ShrinkWrap Descriptors Generated Java EE API 2.0.0-alpha-3

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Entity
org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptor.api.orm10 Provides the interfaces and enumeration types as defined in the schema 

Uses of Entity in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptor.api.orm10

Methods in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptor.api.orm10 that return Entity
 Entity<T> Entity.access(AccessType access)
          Sets the access attribute
 Entity<T> Entity.access(String access)
          Sets the access attribute
 Entity<T> Entity.clazz(String clazz)
          Sets the class attribute
 Entity<OrmDescriptor> OrmDescriptor.createEntity()
          Creates a new entity element
 Entity<EntityMappings<T>> EntityMappings.createEntity()
          Creates a new entity element
 Entity<T> Entity.description(String description)
          Sets the description element
 Entity<T> Entity.discriminatorValue(String discriminatorValue)
          Sets the discriminator-value element
 Entity<T> Entity.excludeDefaultListeners()
          Sets the exclude-default-listeners element
 Entity<T> Entity.excludeSuperclassListeners()
          Sets the exclude-superclass-listeners element
 Entity<OrmDescriptor> OrmDescriptor.getOrCreateEntity()
          If not already created, a new entity element will be created and returned.
 Entity<EntityMappings<T>> EntityMappings.getOrCreateEntity()
          If not already created, a new entity element will be created and returned.
 Entity<T> Entity.metadataComplete(Boolean metadataComplete)
          Sets the metadata-complete attribute
 Entity<T> name)
          Sets the name attribute
 Entity<T> Entity.removeAccess()
          Removes the access attribute
 Entity<T> Entity.removeAllAssociationOverride()
          Removes all association-override elements
 Entity<T> Entity.removeAllAttributeOverride()
          Removes all attribute-override elements
 Entity<T> Entity.removeAllNamedNativeQuery()
          Removes all named-native-query elements
 Entity<T> Entity.removeAllNamedQuery()
          Removes all named-query elements
 Entity<T> Entity.removeAllPrimaryKeyJoinColumn()
          Removes all primary-key-join-column elements
 Entity<T> Entity.removeAllSecondaryTable()
          Removes all secondary-table elements
 Entity<T> Entity.removeAllSqlResultSetMapping()
          Removes all sql-result-set-mapping elements
 Entity<T> Entity.removeAttributes()
          Removes the attributes element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeClazz()
          Removes the class attribute
 Entity<T> Entity.removeDescription()
          Removes the description element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeDiscriminatorColumn()
          Removes the discriminator-column element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeDiscriminatorValue()
          Removes the discriminator-value element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeEntityListeners()
          Removes the entity-listeners element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeExcludeDefaultListeners()
          Removes the exclude-default-listeners element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeExcludeSuperclassListeners()
          Removes the exclude-superclass-listeners element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeIdClass()
          Removes the id-class element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeInheritance()
          Removes the inheritance element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeMetadataComplete()
          Removes the metadata-complete attribute
 Entity<T> Entity.removeName()
          Removes the name attribute
 Entity<T> Entity.removePostLoad()
          Removes the post-load element
 Entity<T> Entity.removePostPersist()
          Removes the post-persist element
 Entity<T> Entity.removePostRemove()
          Removes the post-remove element
 Entity<T> Entity.removePostUpdate()
          Removes the post-update element
 Entity<T> Entity.removePrePersist()
          Removes the pre-persist element
 Entity<T> Entity.removePreRemove()
          Removes the pre-remove element
 Entity<T> Entity.removePreUpdate()
          Removes the pre-update element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeSequenceGenerator()
          Removes the sequence-generator element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeTable()
          Removes the table element
 Entity<T> Entity.removeTableGenerator()
          Removes the table-generator element

Methods in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptor.api.orm10 that return types with arguments of type Entity
 AssociationOverride<Entity<T>> Entity.createAssociationOverride()
          Creates a new association-override element
 AttributeOverride<Entity<T>> Entity.createAttributeOverride()
          Creates a new attribute-override element
 NamedNativeQuery<Entity<T>> Entity.createNamedNativeQuery()
          Creates a new named-native-query element
 NamedQuery<Entity<T>> Entity.createNamedQuery()
          Creates a new named-query element
 PrimaryKeyJoinColumn<Entity<T>> Entity.createPrimaryKeyJoinColumn()
          Creates a new primary-key-join-column element
 SecondaryTable<Entity<T>> Entity.createSecondaryTable()
          Creates a new secondary-table element
 SqlResultSetMapping<Entity<T>> Entity.createSqlResultSetMapping()
          Creates a new sql-result-set-mapping element
 List<AssociationOverride<Entity<T>>> Entity.getAllAssociationOverride()
          Returns all association-override elements
 List<AttributeOverride<Entity<T>>> Entity.getAllAttributeOverride()
          Returns all attribute-override elements
 List<Entity<OrmDescriptor>> OrmDescriptor.getAllEntity()
          Returns all entity elements
 List<Entity<EntityMappings<T>>> EntityMappings.getAllEntity()
          Returns all entity elements
 List<NamedNativeQuery<Entity<T>>> Entity.getAllNamedNativeQuery()
          Returns all named-native-query elements
 List<NamedQuery<Entity<T>>> Entity.getAllNamedQuery()
          Returns all named-query elements
 List<PrimaryKeyJoinColumn<Entity<T>>> Entity.getAllPrimaryKeyJoinColumn()
          Returns all primary-key-join-column elements
 List<SecondaryTable<Entity<T>>> Entity.getAllSecondaryTable()
          Returns all secondary-table elements
 List<SqlResultSetMapping<Entity<T>>> Entity.getAllSqlResultSetMapping()
          Returns all sql-result-set-mapping elements
 AssociationOverride<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateAssociationOverride()
          If not already created, a new association-override element will be created and returned.
 AttributeOverride<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateAttributeOverride()
          If not already created, a new attribute-override element will be created and returned.
 Attributes<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateAttributes()
          If not already created, a new attributes element with the given value will be created.
 DiscriminatorColumn<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateDiscriminatorColumn()
          If not already created, a new discriminator-column element with the given value will be created.
 EntityListeners<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateEntityListeners()
          If not already created, a new entity-listeners element with the given value will be created.
 IdClass<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateIdClass()
          If not already created, a new id-class element with the given value will be created.
 Inheritance<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateInheritance()
          If not already created, a new inheritance element with the given value will be created.
 NamedNativeQuery<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateNamedNativeQuery()
          If not already created, a new named-native-query element will be created and returned.
 NamedQuery<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateNamedQuery()
          If not already created, a new named-query element will be created and returned.
 PostLoad<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreatePostLoad()
          If not already created, a new post-load element with the given value will be created.
 PostPersist<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreatePostPersist()
          If not already created, a new post-persist element with the given value will be created.
 PostRemove<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreatePostRemove()
          If not already created, a new post-remove element with the given value will be created.
 PostUpdate<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreatePostUpdate()
          If not already created, a new post-update element with the given value will be created.
 PrePersist<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreatePrePersist()
          If not already created, a new pre-persist element with the given value will be created.
 PreRemove<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreatePreRemove()
          If not already created, a new pre-remove element with the given value will be created.
 PreUpdate<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreatePreUpdate()
          If not already created, a new pre-update element with the given value will be created.
 PrimaryKeyJoinColumn<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreatePrimaryKeyJoinColumn()
          If not already created, a new primary-key-join-column element will be created and returned.
 SecondaryTable<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateSecondaryTable()
          If not already created, a new secondary-table element will be created and returned.
 SequenceGenerator<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateSequenceGenerator()
          If not already created, a new sequence-generator element with the given value will be created.
 SqlResultSetMapping<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateSqlResultSetMapping()
          If not already created, a new sql-result-set-mapping element will be created and returned.
 Table<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateTable()
          If not already created, a new table element with the given value will be created.
 TableGenerator<Entity<T>> Entity.getOrCreateTableGenerator()
          If not already created, a new table-generator element with the given value will be created.

ShrinkWrap Descriptors Generated Java EE API 2.0.0-alpha-3

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