ShrinkWrap Descriptors Generated Java EE API 2.0.0-alpha-3

Uses of Interface

Packages that use OneToOne
org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptor.api.orm20 Provides the interfaces and enumeration types as defined in the schema 

Uses of OneToOne in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptor.api.orm20

Methods in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptor.api.orm20 that return OneToOne
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.access(AccessType access)
          Sets the access attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.access(String access)
          Sets the access attribute
 OneToOne<Attributes<T>> Attributes.createOneToOne()
          Creates a new one-to-one element
 OneToOne<EmbeddableAttributes<T>> EmbeddableAttributes.createOneToOne()
          Creates a new one-to-one element
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.fetch(FetchType fetch)
          Sets the fetch attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.fetch(String fetch)
          Sets the fetch attribute
 OneToOne<Attributes<T>> Attributes.getOrCreateOneToOne()
          If not already created, a new one-to-one element will be created and returned.
 OneToOne<EmbeddableAttributes<T>> EmbeddableAttributes.getOrCreateOneToOne()
          If not already created, a new one-to-one element will be created and returned.
 OneToOne<T> id)
          Sets the id attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.mappedBy(String mappedBy)
          Sets the mapped-by attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.mapsId(String mapsId)
          Sets the maps-id attribute
 OneToOne<T> name)
          Sets the name attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.optional(Boolean optional)
          Sets the optional attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.orphanRemoval(Boolean orphanRemoval)
          Sets the orphan-removal attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeAccess()
          Removes the access attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeAllJoinColumn()
          Removes all join-column elements
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeAllPrimaryKeyJoinColumn()
          Removes all primary-key-join-column elements
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeCascade()
          Removes the cascade element
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeFetch()
          Removes the fetch attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeId()
          Removes the id attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeJoinTable()
          Removes the join-table element
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeMappedBy()
          Removes the mapped-by attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeMapsId()
          Removes the maps-id attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeName()
          Removes the name attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeOptional()
          Removes the optional attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeOrphanRemoval()
          Removes the orphan-removal attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.removeTargetEntity()
          Removes the target-entity attribute
 OneToOne<T> OneToOne.targetEntity(String targetEntity)
          Sets the target-entity attribute

Methods in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptor.api.orm20 that return types with arguments of type OneToOne
 JoinColumn<OneToOne<T>> OneToOne.createJoinColumn()
          Creates a new join-column element
 PrimaryKeyJoinColumn<OneToOne<T>> OneToOne.createPrimaryKeyJoinColumn()
          Creates a new primary-key-join-column element
 List<JoinColumn<OneToOne<T>>> OneToOne.getAllJoinColumn()
          Returns all join-column elements
 List<OneToOne<Attributes<T>>> Attributes.getAllOneToOne()
          Returns all one-to-one elements
 List<OneToOne<EmbeddableAttributes<T>>> EmbeddableAttributes.getAllOneToOne()
          Returns all one-to-one elements
 List<PrimaryKeyJoinColumn<OneToOne<T>>> OneToOne.getAllPrimaryKeyJoinColumn()
          Returns all primary-key-join-column elements
 CascadeType<OneToOne<T>> OneToOne.getOrCreateCascade()
          If not already created, a new cascade element with the given value will be created.
 JoinColumn<OneToOne<T>> OneToOne.getOrCreateJoinColumn()
          If not already created, a new join-column element will be created and returned.
 JoinTable<OneToOne<T>> OneToOne.getOrCreateJoinTable()
          If not already created, a new join-table element with the given value will be created.
 PrimaryKeyJoinColumn<OneToOne<T>> OneToOne.getOrCreatePrimaryKeyJoinColumn()
          If not already created, a new primary-key-join-column element will be created and returned.

ShrinkWrap Descriptors Generated Java EE API 2.0.0-alpha-3

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