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AESCipher - Class in io.nessus.cipher
AESCipher() - Constructor for class io.nessus.cipher.AESCipher
AESUtils - Class in io.nessus.cipher.utils
AESUtils() - Constructor for class io.nessus.cipher.utils.AESUtils


CipherSanityCheck - Class in io.nessus.cipher.utils
CipherSanityCheck() - Constructor for class io.nessus.cipher.utils.CipherSanityCheck


decodePublicKey(String) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.ECIESUtils
Decode public key from the given base64 encoded string Note, this requiers unlimited security policies
decodePublicKey(String) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.RSAUtils
decodeSecretKey(String) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.AESUtils
decodeSecretKey(byte[]) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.AESUtils
decrypt(SecretKey, InputStream) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.AESCipher
decrypt(SecretKey, InputStream, byte[]) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.AESCipher
decrypt(PrivateKey, InputStream) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.ECIESCipher
decrypt(PrivateKey, byte[]) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.ECIESCipher
decrypt(PrivateKey, InputStream) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.RSACipher
decrypt(PrivateKey, byte[]) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.RSACipher
DEFAULT_STRENGTH - Static variable in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.AESUtils
DEFAULT_STRENGTH - Static variable in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.RSAUtils
DeterministicRandom - Class in io.nessus.cipher.utils
DeterministicRandom(Wallet.Address) - Constructor for class io.nessus.cipher.utils.DeterministicRandom
DeterministicRandom(Wallet.Address, Multihash) - Constructor for class io.nessus.cipher.utils.DeterministicRandom
DeterministicRandom(byte[]) - Constructor for class io.nessus.cipher.utils.DeterministicRandom


ECDH - Class in io.nessus.cipher
ECDH() - Constructor for class io.nessus.cipher.ECDH
ECIESCipher - Class in io.nessus.cipher
ECIESCipher() - Constructor for class io.nessus.cipher.ECIESCipher
ECIESUtils - Class in io.nessus.cipher.utils
ECIESUtils() - Constructor for class io.nessus.cipher.utils.ECIESUtils
encodeKey(Key) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.AESUtils
encodeKey(Key) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.ECIESUtils
Encode the given key
encodeKey(Key) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.RSAUtils
encrypt(SecretKey, InputStream) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.AESCipher
encrypt(SecretKey, InputStream, byte[]) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.AESCipher
encrypt(SecretKey, byte[], InputStream, byte[]) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.AESCipher
encrypt(PublicKey, InputStream) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.ECIESCipher
encrypt(PublicKey, byte[]) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.ECIESCipher
encrypt(PublicKey, InputStream) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.RSACipher
encrypt(PublicKey, byte[]) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.RSACipher


generateKeyPair() - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.ECDH
generateSecret(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.ECDH
getIV(Wallet.Address, Multihash) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.AESUtils
Create an AES initialization vector derived from the owner's private key and a content id.


io.nessus.cipher - package io.nessus.cipher
io.nessus.cipher.utils - package io.nessus.cipher.utils


main(String[]) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.CipherSanityCheck


newKeyPair() - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.ECIESUtils
Generate the key pair from a random source.
newKeyPair(Wallet.Address) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.ECIESUtils
Derive the key pair from blockchain private key.
newKeyPair() - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.RSAUtils
Generate the key pair from a random source.
newKeyPair(Wallet.Address) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.RSAUtils
Derive the key pair from blockchain private key.
newKeyPair(Wallet.Address, int) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.RSAUtils
newSecretKey() - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.AESUtils
Generate the secret key from a random source.
newSecretKey(Wallet.Address) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.AESUtils
Create an AES secret key derived from the owner's private key.
newSecretKey(Wallet.Address, Multihash) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.AESUtils
Create an AES secret key derived from the owner's private key and some content id.
newSecretKey(Wallet.Address, Multihash, int) - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.AESUtils
nextBytes(byte[]) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.DeterministicRandom


RSACipher - Class in io.nessus.cipher
RSACipher() - Constructor for class io.nessus.cipher.RSACipher
RSAUtils - Class in io.nessus.cipher.utils
RSAUtils() - Constructor for class io.nessus.cipher.utils.RSAUtils


savePrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.ECDH
savePublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class io.nessus.cipher.ECDH


verifyPlatform() - Static method in class io.nessus.cipher.utils.CipherSanityCheck
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