Interface EJBContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
EntityContext, MessageDrivenContext, SessionContext

public interface EJBContext

The EJBContext interface provides an instance with access to the container-provided runtime context of an enterprise Bean instance.

This interface is extended by the SessionContext and EntityContext interface to provide additional methods specific to the enterprise Bean type.

Method Summary getCallerIdentity()
          Deprecated. Use Principal getCallerPrincipal() instead. getCallerPrincipal()
          Obtains the of the caller.
 EJBHome getEJBHome()
          Obtain the enterprise bean's remote home interface.
 EJBLocalHome getEJBLocalHome()
          Obtain the enterprise bean's local home interface.
 java.util.Properties getEnvironment()
          Deprecated. Use the JNDI naming context java:comp/env to access enterprise bean's environment.
 boolean getRollbackOnly()
          Test if the transaction has been marked for rollback only.
 TimerService getTimerService()
          Get access to the EJB Timer Service.
 javax.transaction.UserTransaction getUserTransaction()
          Obtain the transaction demarcation interface.
 boolean isCallerInRole( role)
          Deprecated. Use boolean isCallerInRole(String roleName) instead.
 boolean isCallerInRole(java.lang.String roleName)
          Tests if the caller has a given role.
 java.lang.Object lookup(java.lang.String name)
          Lookup a resource within the component's private naming context.
 void setRollbackOnly()
          Mark the current transaction for rollback.

Method Detail


EJBHome getEJBHome()
Obtain the enterprise bean's remote home interface.

The enterprise bean's remote home interface.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - - if the enterprise bean does not have a remote home interface.


EJBLocalHome getEJBLocalHome()
Obtain the enterprise bean's local home interface.

The enterprise bean's local home interface.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - - if the enterprise bean does not have a local home interface.


java.util.Properties getEnvironment()
Deprecated. Use the JNDI naming context java:comp/env to access enterprise bean's environment.

Obtain the enterprise bean's environment properties.

Note: If the enterprise bean has no environment properties this method returns an empty java.util.Properties object. This method never returns null.

The environment properties for the enterprise bean.

getCallerIdentity getCallerIdentity()
Deprecated. Use Principal getCallerPrincipal() instead.

Obtain the of the caller. This method is deprecated in EJB 1.1. The Container is allowed to return alway null from this method. The enterprise bean should use the getCallerPrincipal method instead.

The Identity object that identifies the caller.

getCallerPrincipal getCallerPrincipal()
Obtains the of the caller.

The Principal object that identifies the caller. This method never returns null.


boolean isCallerInRole( role)
Deprecated. Use boolean isCallerInRole(String roleName) instead.

Test if the caller has a given role.

This method is deprecated in EJB 1.1. The enterprise bean should use the isCallerInRole(String roleName) method instead.

role - - The of the role to be tested.
True if the caller has the specified role.


boolean isCallerInRole(java.lang.String roleName)
Tests if the caller has a given role.

roleName - - The name of the security role. The role must be one of the security roles that is defined in the deployment descriptor.
True if the caller has the specified role.


javax.transaction.UserTransaction getUserTransaction()
                                                     throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Obtain the transaction demarcation interface. Only enterprise beans with bean-managed transactions are allowed to to use the UserTransaction interface. As entity beans must always use container-managed transactions, only session beans with bean-managed transactions are allowed to invoke this method.

The UserTransaction interface that the enterprise bean instance can use for transaction demarcation.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - - The Container throws the exception if the instance is not allowed to use the UserTransaction interface (i.e. the instance is of a bean with container-managed transactions).


void setRollbackOnly()
                     throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Mark the current transaction for rollback. The transaction will become permanently marked for rollback. A transaction marked for rollback can never commit. Only enterprise beans with container-managed transactions are allowed to use this method.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - - The Container throws the exception if the instance is not allowed to use this method (i.e. the instance is of a bean with bean-managed transactions).


boolean getRollbackOnly()
                        throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Test if the transaction has been marked for rollback only. An enterprise bean instance can use this operation, for example, to test after an exception has been caught, whether it is fruitless to continue computation on behalf of the current transaction. Only enterprise beans with container-managed transactions are allowed to use this method.

True if the current transaction is marked for rollback, false otherwise.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - - The Container throws the exception if the instance is not allowed to use this method (i.e. the instance is of a bean with bean-managed transactions).


TimerService getTimerService()
                             throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Get access to the EJB Timer Service.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - The Container throws the exception if the instance is not allowed to use this method (e.g. if the bean is a stateful session bean)


java.lang.Object lookup(java.lang.String name)
                        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Lookup a resource within the component's private naming context.

name - - Name of the entry (relative to java:comp/env).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - - The Container throws the exception if the given name does not match an entry within the component's environment.