Forge - Parser/XML 2.0.0.Alpha2
A C G I N O P R S T V X 


attribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Add or override a named attribute.

value will be converted to String using String.valueOf(value);
attribute(String, String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Add or override a named attribute.


createChild(String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Create a new Node with given name.


get(String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Get all children with a specific name.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Get a named attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Get all defined attributes for this Node in an immutable view
getChildren() - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Get all the defined children for this node in an immutable view.
getName() - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Get the Nodes name.
getNodeName() - Method in enum org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParser.NodeType
getOrCreate(String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Get or create a named child node.
getParent() - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Get the Nodes parent.
getRoot() - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Obtains the root Node for this reference
getSingle(String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Get a single child node.

If multiple children are found with same name it is considered a IllegalArgumentException.
getText() - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Get the Nodes text body.
getTextValueForPatternName(String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Get the text value of the element found at the given query name.
getTextValuesForPatternName(String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Get the text values of all elements found at the given query name.


isComment() - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Returns whether or not this Node represents a comment
isRoot() - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Returns whether or not this Node is a root


Node - Class in org.jboss.forge.parser.xml
Node is a data structure representing a container in a classic tree.
Node(String) - Constructor for class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Creates a root Node
Node(String, Node) - Constructor for class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Creates a Node


org.jboss.forge.parser.xml - package org.jboss.forge.parser.xml


parse(File) - Static method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParser
parse(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParser
parse(String) - Static method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParser
parse(InputStream) - Static method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParser


removeAttribute(String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Remove a named attribute.
removeChild(Node) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Remove a single child from this Node
removeChild(String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Remove a single child from this Node
removeChildren(String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Remove all child nodes found at the given query.


setComment(boolean) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Marks this Node as a comment


text(Object) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Set the Nodes text body.

text will be converted to String using String.valueOf(text);
text(String) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Set the Nodes text body.
toString() - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.Node
Returns a multiline String format of this Node and all children
toXMLByteArray(Node) - Static method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParser
toXMLInputStream(Node) - Static method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParser
toXMLString(Node) - Static method in class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParser


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParser.NodeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParser.NodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


XMLParser - Class in org.jboss.forge.parser.xml
XMLParser() - Constructor for class org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParser
XMLParser.NodeType - Enum in org.jboss.forge.parser.xml
XMLParserException - Exception in org.jboss.forge.parser.xml
XMLParserException() - Constructor for exception org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParserException
XMLParserException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParserException
XMLParserException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParserException
XMLParserException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jboss.forge.parser.xml.XMLParserException
A C G I N O P R S T V X 
Forge - Parser/XML 2.0.0.Alpha2

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