Chapter 4. Web SSO - XML Signature Support

4.1. Configuring the Identity Provider
4.1.1. Configure the IDP Web Application Security
4.1.2. Configure the IDP Valves
4.1.3. Configure the JBoss Identity Federation configuration file (jboss-idfed.xml)
4.2. Configure the Service Provider (SP)
4.2.1. Configure the SP Web Application Security
4.2.2. Configure the SP Valves
4.2.3. Configure the JBoss Identity Federation configuration file (jboss-idfed.xml)

In this chapter, we describe the configuration for Web SSO with XML Signature Support.

The IDP needs to be configured to provide Web SSO with XML Signature Support.

The SP can be a JBoss Application Server or a Tomcat instance.

You need to configure a web application as the Service Provider(SP).