Uses of Package

Packages that use javax.resource
javax.resource The javax.resource package is the top-level package for the Java EE Connector API specification. 
javax.resource.cci The javax.resource.cci package contains API specification for the Common Client Interface (CCI). 
javax.resource.spi The javax.resource.spi package contains APIs for the system contracts defined in the Java EE Connector Architecture specification. 
javax.resource.spi.endpoint This package contains system contracts for service endpoint interactions. This package contains APIs for the Work Management, Generic Work and Security Work contracts. 

Classes in javax.resource used by javax.resource
          This is the root interface of the exception hierarchy defined for the Connector architecture.

Classes in javax.resource used by javax.resource.cci
          The Referenceable interface extends the javax.naming.Referenceable interface.
          This is the root interface of the exception hierarchy defined for the Connector architecture.

Classes in javax.resource used by javax.resource.spi
          This is the root interface of the exception hierarchy defined for the Connector architecture.

Classes in javax.resource used by javax.resource.spi.endpoint
          This is the root interface of the exception hierarchy defined for the Connector architecture.

Classes in javax.resource used by
          A NotSupportedException is thrown to indicate that callee (resource adapter or application server for system contracts) cannot execute an operation because the operation is not a supported feature.
          This is the root interface of the exception hierarchy defined for the Connector architecture.

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