Chapter 6. Microcontainer core

Table of Contents

Basic Configuration and Usage
String Values
Value Factory
Annotations via XML
Supply and Demand
Contextual awareness
Injection from context
Annotations support
AOP Configuration and Usage
Java Beans
Spring integration

Core ...

Basic Configuration and Usage

The Microcontainer's main purpose is to allow external configuration of POJOs. As we have seen in Chapter 4, Starting Examples , the POJOs in a Microcontainer applications are nothing special. The key element that drives the application is the jboss-beans.xml configuration file. So, in this chapter, we will look at the some of the common configurations in jboss-beans.xml .


The deployment element acts as a container for many beans that are deployed together.

         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

         <!-- Deployment holds beans -->
         <deployment xmlns:xsi=""
            xsi:schemaLocation="urn:jboss:bean-deployer bean-deployer_2_0.xsd"

         <!-- bean part of the deployment -->
         <bean .../>

         <!-- bean part of the deployment -->
         <bean .../>




The bean element is the main deployment component. It describes a single managed object in the runtime.

         <deployment xmlns:xsi=""
            xsi:schemaLocation="urn:jboss:bean-deployer bean-deployer_2_0.xsd"

         <bean name="Simple"



The example above from the simple example uses the default constructor of SimpleBean to create a new POJO.

         new org.jboss.example.microcontainer.simple.SimpleBean();

It is given the name "Simple" such that it can be referenced elsewhere.


The example above uses the default constructor. What if you don't want to use some other constructor. The simplest mechanism just matches the number of parameters in the constructor. The example below is from the constructor example.

   public class ConstructorBean
      ... ...

      public ConstructorBean(int integer)
         ... ...


The jboss-beans.xml element for creating the POJO using the above constructor is as follows.

   <bean name="Integer"



The microcontainer would just use the following to create the Integer named component.

         new ConstructorBean (4);

Sometimes there are two constructors with the same number of parameters. In this case, you must specify the types to resolve the ambiguity.

         public class ConstructorBean {
         public ConstructorBean(String string, int integer) {}
         public ConstructorBean(String string, long long) {}

The following configuration creates a managed bean instance named StringLong using the second constructor listed above.

   <bean name="StringLong"

         <parameter>a string</parameter>
         <parameter class="long">10</parameter>


Behind the scene, the Micorcontainer invokes:

         new ConstructorBean ("a string", (long) 10);

Note that you only have to be explicit enough to resolve the ambiguity.


Not all classes have pubic constructors. It is often good practice to use factories when you to have a choice of implementation for an interface. The microcontainer includes support for the several different types of factory. The simplest case is a static factory class with a static factory method like the following from the factory example.

   public class StaticFactory
      public static FactoryCreatedBean createBean()
         return new FactoryCreatedBean("StaticFactory.createBean()");


The bean configuration tells the microcontainer to the use the StaticFactory.createBean() static method to create an instance of FactoryCreatedBean .

   <bean name="StaticFactoryCreatedBean"

      <constructor factoryMethod="createBean"



Of course, the factory class itself does not have to be static. The microcontainer can create a non-static factory itself as a managed object, and then use this factory object to create other bean objects. For instance, the factory example contains a singleton factory class example.

   public class SingletonFactory
      private static SingletonFactory singleton;

      public synchronized static SingletonFactory getInstance()
         if (singleton == null)
            singleton = new SingletonFactory();

         return singleton;

      public FactoryCreatedBean createBean()
         return new FactoryCreatedBean("SingletonFactory.createBean()");

      private SingletonFactory()


In the following configuration, we first create an instance of the SingletonFactory class under the name "SingletonFactory" using the SingletonFactory.getInstance() static method. Then, we use this factory object to create a FactoryCreatedBean instance under the name SingletonFactoryCreatedBean .

   <bean name="SingletonFactory"

      <constructor factoryMethod="getInstance"


   <bean name="SingletonFactoryCreatedBean"

      <constructor factoryMethod="createBean">
         <factory bean="SingletonFactory"/>



Like the constructor method we mentioned before, the factory method can also take call parameters via the nested parameter element.


It is possible to create all objects using factories and constructors, however many people use the JavaBean or MBean convention where an object is constructed using a default constructor and then configured using properties or attributes (i.e., setter methods). The following class from the properties example is a JavaBean style POJO.

   public class PropertiesBean
      public PropertiesBean()

      public void setTitle(String title)
         System.out.println("setTitle: " + title);

      public void setSubTitle(String subTitle)
         System.out.println("setSubTitle: " + subTitle);

      public void setLink(URL url)
         System.out.println("setLink: " + url);

      public void setNumber(Number number)
         System.out.println("setNumber: " + number + " type=" + number.getClass().getName());


The configuration creates the PropertiesBean instance and then use the setter methods to set its properties.

   <bean name="PropertiesBean"

      <property name="title">JBoss Microcontainer property example</property>
      <property name="subTitle"><null/></property>
      <property name="link"></property>
      <property name="number" class="java.lang.Long">4</property>


Here we use the string representation of various objects, including the null value. They will be discussed in more detail in the next section.

String Values

Now, you probably noticed that we use string values to represent all kinds of objects in the parameter element for the constructors or factory methods, and in the property element for JavaBean properties.

In the most generic case, a JavaBean PropertyEditor can be used to convert a string to a specific type. JBoss already provides a large number of property editors for standard types. Please see the example below for the POJO class, the configuration, and the resultant Microcontainer action.

   import java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport;

   public class URLEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport
      public void setAsText(final String text)
         setValue(new URL(text));

   public class Example
      public URL getLink() {}

      public void setLink(URL url) {}


   <bean name="Name1" class=com.acme.Example">
      <property name="link"></property>

   Example example = new com.acme.Example();
   PropertyEditor editor = PropertyEditorManager.findEditor(URL.class);


Often the property takes an interface or abstract class, but you want to pass a specific implementation or a subclass. That is easy. Just specify the implementation class in the property.class attribute as show below.

   public class Example
         public Number getNumber() {}

         public void setNumber(Number number) {}


   <bean name="Name1" class=com.acme.Example">
      <property name="number" class="java.lang.Long">4</property>

   Example example = new com.acme.Example();
   example.setNumber(new Long(4));


There is also a more long-winded form of value that we will see later when configuring collections.

   public class Example
      public Number getNumber() {}

      public void setNumber(Number number) {}


   <bean name="Name1" class=com.acme.Example">
      <property name="number">
         <value class="java.lang.Long">4</value>

   Example example = new com.acme.Example();
   example.setNumber(new Long(4));


Finally, the null value is trivial, <null/>. But, it needs to differentiated from the string "null". Please see the example below for the usage.

   public class Example
         public String getTitle() {}

         public void setTitle(String string) {}


   <!-- Wrong -->
   <bean name="Name1" class=com.acme.Example">
      <property name="title">null</property>

   Example example = new com.acme.Example();
   example.setTitle(new String("null"));

   <!-- Correct -->
   <bean name="Name1" class=com.acme.Example">
      <property name="title"><null/></property>

   Example example = new com.acme.Example();


Sometimes it is still usefull to be able to set or inject a value which can be morphed / progressed into needed type althogh existing type is not compatible (normally getting ClassCastException). This is mostly true for java.lang.Number subclasses. Let's see how progression is used on the following example (here we use <inject />, which is actually explained in the next chapter).

   <bean name="FromBean" class="">
      <property name="adouble">123.456</property>
      <property name="AFloat" class="java.lang.Float">987.6543</property>
      <property name="anInt">314159</property>

   <bean name="SimpleBean" class="">
      <property name="anint">
         <inject bean="FromBean" property="adouble" />

      <property name="AShort">
         <inject bean="FromBean" property="AFloat" />

      <property name="AFloat">
         <inject bean="FromBean" property="anInt" />


SimpleBean is a plain JavaBean, property names reflect the field type: having adouble property name means that a field is of type double. AFloat corresponds to Float type. Etc.

You can change the progression behavior by setting System property org.jboss.reflect.plugins.progressionConvertor, putting the ProgressionConvertor's implementation fully qualified class name as value. By default SimpleProgressionConvertor implementation is used. Another existing implementation is NullProgressionConvertor, which doesn't do any actual progression.


Objects by themself are not very useful. They need to be linked together to form more complicated data structures. We have already seen one form of an injection when using factory instances above. Injections can be used anywhere a string value is used. All the examples that we have previously seen with strings could also be done with injections.

The injection example shows how dependency injection works in JBoss Microcontainer. The InjectionBean class has a host property, which is the type. We will inject an URL object into the bean via the microcontainer.

   public class InjectionBean
      String name;

      public InjectionBean(String name)
      { = name;
         System.out.println("InjectionBean() " + this);

      public String toString()
         return name;

      public void setHost(String host)
         System.out.println("setHost: " + host + " on " + this);

      public void setOther(InjectionBean other)
         System.out.println("setOther: " + other + " on " + this);


The microcontainer creates the URL object first, and then passes the URL object as a property into the InjectionBean1 object when it is instantiated.

   <bean name="URL" class="">

   <bean name="InjectionBean1"


      <property name="host">
         <inject bean="URL" property="host"/>


The order of the bean elements does not matter. The microcontainer orders the beans into the correct order. For instance, in the above example, the URL object is always created before the InjectionBean1 object since the latter is dependent on the former. But that leaves the problem of how to resolve circular dependencies. These can be resolved by specifying when you want the injection to occur. In the example below we say once Circular1 is "Instantiated" (constructed) it is ok to configure it on Circular2 . Normally, injections wait for the referenced bean to reach the state "Installed" (see later on life cycles).

   <bean name="Circular1"


      <property name="other">
         <inject bean="Circular2"/>


   <bean name="Circular2"


      <property name="other">
         <inject bean="Circular1" state="Instantiated"/>


Here is the order the microcontainer instantiates those objects.

   InjectionBean Circular1 = new InjectionBean ();
   InjectionBean Circular2 = new InjectionBean ();
   Circular1.setOther(Circular2); // don't wait for a fully configured Circular1
   Circular2.setOther(Circular1); // Complete the confguration of Circular2


Value Factory

Similar to using inject's property attribute, we sometimes want to use other beans to create new values from bean's multi parameter methods.

   <bean name="PropHolder" class="">
      <property name="value">
         <value-factory bean="ldap" method="getValue">
               <bean name="t" class=""/>

   <bean name="ldap" class="">
            <map keyClass="java.lang.String" valueClass="java.lang.String">






For the quick usage there is also shorthand version of the value-factory element, having single parameter as string attribute.

   <bean name="PropHolder" class="">
            <value-factory bean="ldap" method="getValue" parameter=""/>


You can also define a default value for the value-factory return value.

   <bean name="PropHolder" class="">
      <property name="list">
         <list elementClass="java.lang.String">
            <value-factory bean="ldap" method="getValue" default="QWERT">



The collection , list , set and array elements are used to enclose collection of values to pass to the bean components as properties or constructor (factory method) parameters. The default types are:

  • collection: java.util.ArrayList

  • list: java.util.ArrayList

  • set: java.util.HashSet

  • array: java.lang.Object[]

They all take the same form. So, only list is shown here in those examples. You just need to nest value elements inside the collection element to specify the contents of the collection. Please note that a "elementClass" attribute is required on the collection element, unless you specify explicit types on all the value s.

Below is a sample configuration from the collections example. It sets a List with two elements of mixed types to the ObjectPrinter.print property on the PrintList named object.

   <bean name="PrintList"


      <property name="print">
         <list elementClass="java.lang.String">
            <value>Value of type elementClass</value>
            <value class="java.lang.Integer">4</value>


It is also possible to use a List as an element inside another List . Here is an example.

   <bean name="Name1" class="com.acme.Example">
      <property name="list">
         <list class="java.util.LinkedList" elementClass="java.lang.String">

            <value>A string</value> <!-- uses elementClass -->

            <value class="java.lang.URL"></value> <!-- a URL -->

            <value><inject bean="SomeBean"/></value> <!-- inject some other bean -->

            <value> <!-- a list inside a list -->
               <list elementClass="java.lang.String">
                  <value>Another string</value>



Below is what happens inside the microcontainer.

   Example example = new com.acme.Example();
   List list = new LinkedList();
   list.add(new String("A string"));
   list.add(new URL(""));
   List subList = new ArrayList();
   subList.add(new String("Another string"));


The other type of collection is a map which also covers Properties and Hashtables. The default is java.util.HashMap . The entry element inside the map differentiates each key and value pair. For maps there are two default types for the elements: the keyClass and valueClass . Below is a map sample from the collections example.

   <bean name="PrintMap"


      <property name="print">
         <map keyClass="java.lang.String" valueClass="java.lang.String">
               <key>Key1 of type keyClass</key>
               <value>Value1 of type valueClass</value>

               <key>Key2 of type keyClass</key>
               <value class="java.lang.Integer">4</value>

               <key class="java.lang.Long">4</key>
               <value>Value of type valueClass</value>



When using collections in your bean configuration, this is the order Microcontainer will use for new instantiation or using already existing collection instance.

  • if collection's class attribute is defined, a new instance of that class will be instantiated

  • if already instantiated collection exists and is available via getter, this instance will be used - unless you define preinstantiate attribute on the property to false

  • if the collection references some non interface class, we'll try to instantiate a new instance of that class

  • default collection instance will be used - Collection and List will use ArrayList, Set uses HashSet and Map will use HashMap

   <bean name="SimpleBean" class="">
      <property name="list" preinstantiate="false">
         <list elementClass="java.lang.String">



Anybody familiar with the JBoss JMX microkernel will know about the lifecycle. The microcontainer extends the lifecycle concept to the managed POJOs. A POJO can have the following lifecycle states.

  • Not Installed: The POJO has not been described or has been uninstalled.

  • Pre Install: The scoping description has been examined and classloader dependencies determined.

  • Described: The POJO's bean description has been examined and dependencies determined.

  • Instantiated: All the dependencies have been resolved to construct the bean, these include, the class exists, the constructor parameter injections can be resolved, any factory can be resolved.

  • Configured: All the property injections can be resolved, this includes all the dependencies in any collections.

  • Create: All the dependent beans have been "created", this includes any injections passed to the create method.

  • Start: All the dependent beans have been "started", this includes any injections passed to the start method.

  • Installed: The lifecycle is complete.

  • *** ERROR ***: Some unexpected error occured, usually due to misconfiguration.

At each stage of the lifecycle, the corresponding method in the bean class is automatically called by the Microcontainer, so that you can programatically control how the objects behave throughout its lifecycle. For instance, the start() method in the bean class is called when the bean enters the Start state. Below is the LifecycleBean class from the lifecycle example.

   public class LifecycleBean
      String name;

      public LifecycleBean(String name)
      { = name;
         System.out.println("LifecycleBean() " + this);

      public void create()
         System.out.println("create: " + this);

      public void start()
         System.out.println("start: " + this);

      public void stop()
         System.out.println("stop: " + this);

      public void destroy()
         System.out.println("destroy: " + this);

      public String toString()
         return name;


The depends element allows two beans to perform two phase startup processing like the JMX microkernel.

   <bean name="Lifecycle1"




   <bean name="Lifecycle2"




The microcontainer resolves the dependency and starts both beans in the appropriate order. Below is the console output when you run the lifecycle example. It shows when various lifecycle methods are called when the bean enters those states.

         [java] LifecycleBean() Lifecycle1
         [java] LifecycleBean() Lifecycle2
         [java] create: Lifecycle2
         [java] create: Lifecycle1
         [java] start: Lifecycle2
         [java] start: Lifecycle1
         [java] stop: Lifecycle1
         [java] stop: Lifecycle2
         [java] destroy: Lifecycle1
         [java] destroy: Lifecycle2

The create() , start() , stop() and destroy() methods can be overridden with parameters passed to them. Below is an example on how to override the create() method via the jboss-beans.xml configuration file.

   public class Example
      public void initialize(Object someObject) {}

   <bean name="Name1" class="com.acme.Example">
      <create method="initialize">
         <parameter><inject bean="SomeBean"/></parameter>


They can also be ignored. See the jboss-beans.xml with ignore attribute set to true on the start element.

   public class Example
      public void start() {}

   <bean name="Name1" class="com.acme.Example">
      <start ignore="true"/>


In this case Microcontainer would not invoke start method when passing over Start state.


As of 2.0.0, you can provide generic install/uninstall actions. Allowing you to dynamically setup repositories. Note the use of this to pass yourself as a parameter. If you exlude the bean name on the action, the operation is performed on yourself.

   <bean name="name1" class="java.util.Timer"/>

   <bean name="name2" ...>
      <install bean="name1" method="schedule">

      <uninstall method="cancel"/>


   // Install
   name1 = new Timer();
   name2 = ...;
   name1.schedule(Name2, 100, 10000);

   // Uninstall



The Microcontainer supports configuration of the classloader at either the deployment or bean level. The classloader element has three alternatives.

   <!-- deployment level - applies to all beans in the deployment -->
      <classloader><inject bean="ClassLoaderName"/></classloader>

      <!-- bean level -->
      <bean name="Name2" ...>
         <classloader><inject bean="ClassLoaderName"/></classloader>

      <!-- bean level will use any deployment level classloader -->
      <bean name="Name2" ...>

      <!-- bean level as null to not use any deployment level classloader -->
      <bean name="Name2" ...>



Annotations via XML

With the new Microcontainer 2.0 we've added support for annotations via XML. Meaning you can have annotation support even in Java 1.4 and before, depending on the retrowoven Microcontainer project. Each annotation is set per bean instance and you can set annotations on the following types:

  • deployment (all beans inherit this annotations)
  • bean
  • constructor
  • lifecycle
  • install / uninstall
  • callback
  • annotated value

Let's see some use cases on the examples below.

   <deployment name="SimpleDeployment" xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">

      <annotation>, integer=100, str="Annotations are nice")</annotation>

      <bean name="bn1" class="org.jboss.test.Example1">

      <bean name="bn2" class="org.jboss.test.Example2">

      <bean name="bn3" class="org.jboss.test.Example3">
         <install method="someMethod">

      <bean name="bn4" class="org.jboss.test.Example4">

      <bean name="bn5" class="org.jboss.test.Example5">
         <property name="PropertyName">



The only issue with having annotations defined via XML is that they are per instance basis - as already mentioned, not added at compile time. In this case you need an external mechanism in order to do the annotation inspection. In Microcontainer this is its metadata repository. See how this is done in Reference Manual, TODO.


Mostly each bean will have one unique name, but sometimes it is useful to be able to have an extra name. The extra ones are considered aliases.

   <bean xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0" class="org.acme.Example">


As with all String values you can have System property replacement as part of actual alias value. Additionally you can specify if this replacement is ignored. Or you can even convert final alias String value into any other class supported by PropertyEditors by setting class attribute on alias element. Lets see this configuration on the examples below.

   <bean xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0" class="org.acme.Example">

   <bean xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0" class="org.acme.Example">
      <alias replace="false">X${}X</alias>

   <bean xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0" class="org.acme.Example">
      <alias class="java.lang.Integer">12345</alias>


Having to specify all aliases when the bean is actually defined is not always adequate however. It is sometimes desirable to introduce an alias for a bean which is defined elsewhere. In XML-based configuration metadata this may be accomplished via the use of the standalone <alias/> element.

   <deployment name="FirstDeployment" xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">

      <bean name="Bean1" class="java.lang.Object"/>

      <bean name="Bean2" class="java.lang.Object"/>


   <deployment name="SecondDeployment" xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">

      <bean name="Xyz1" class="java.lang.Object">
         <property name="locker1"><inject name="Lock1"></property>
         <property name="locker2"><inject name="Lock2"></property>

      <alias name="Bean1">Lock1</alias>

      <alias name="Bean2">Lock2</alias>


Newly added alias defined as a element on the deployment acts as a full dependency item. Meaning it won't get registered (installed) until the original bean is installed. What this means that you can have original beans defined in one deployment and aliases in another, and the order of deployment doesn't matter. When the original bean is uninstalled, the alias gets unregistered (uninstalled) as well. When the alias gets unregistered, all beans that depend on the alias get undeployed as well, regardless if the original bean is still present.

Supply and Demand

There is another useful definition of loosely coupled dependency. Each bean can define which beans should be installed for it to move to certain state.

   <bean name="TM" class="com.acme.SomeSingleton">
      <property name="host"></property>

   <bean name="SM" class="com.acme.AnotherSingleton">
      <property name="treadSize">10</property>

   <bean name="Name2" class="com.acme.Example">
      <property name="threadPool"><inject bean="pool"/></property>
      <demand state="Start">TM</demand>
      <demand state="Configure">SM</demand>

   // Example class
   public class Example
      public void start()
         SomeSingleton tm = ...; // should be there!

      public void setThreadPool(ThreadPool pool)
         AnotherSingleton config = ...; // should be there



On the other hand each bean can also provide additional information what it supplies, apart from it self. The actual supply doesn't need to be binded to Microcontainer in any way. More about this feature with the actual example.

   public class FooBarBinder extends JndiBinder
      public void start()
         FooBar foobar = new FooBar();
         bindToJndi("fbName", foobar);


   public class FooBarConsumer
      public FooBarConsumer()
         FooBar foobar = ...; // get it from jndi. should be there

   <bean name="provider" class="com.acme.FooBarBinder">

   <bean name="consumer" class="com.acme.FooBarConsumer">
      <demand state="Instantiate">foobar</demand>


Contextual awareness

With existing annoyance of using huge amounts of xml to sometimes wire up trivial beans, IoC containers provide a simpler solution called autowiring. Beans, specially singletons, can often be wired with a simple class type knowledge. But with huge systems you should use this feature with care, since it can easly get broken with addition of another bean that would satisfy contextual dependency. Existing 2.0.0 version supports three ways of autowiring:

  • full bean autowiring

  • property / parameter injection

  • callback injection

On the other hand, if you don't want for a particular bean to be involved as a candidate for autowiring, you can set bean element's attribute autowire-candidate to false.

   <bean name="ignored" class="com.acme.Example" autowire-candidate="false" />


TODO for bean autowiring.

   <bean name="autowired" class="com.acme.Example" autowire="true" />


When doing a propery / parameter injection of some existing bean, you can omit the bean attibute, meaning that Microcontainer will do the injection based on the information from the property / parameter class type. If no such information is available, exception will be thrown. If no such bean is eventually available, you can define the behavior after validation. For Strict option the deployment will fail, for Callback see the callback injection below. There is also a way of doing contextual injection based on property name. Property name will be matched against newly wired bean's name.

   <bean name="propInj" class="com.acme.ThreadPoolImpl"/>

   <bean name="propInj" class="com.acme.Example">
      <property name="threadPool"><inject/></property>

   <bean name="paramInj" class="com.acme.Example">
         <parameter name="threadPool"><inject/></parameter>

   public class Example
      protected ThreadPool pool;

      public Example() {}

      public Example(ThreadPool pool)
         this.pool = pool;

      public void setThreadPool(ThreadPool pool)
         this.pool = pool;



Sometimes it is useful to be notified of certain beans being installed / uninstalled by inspecting their class type. In Microcontainer we call this callbacks. You can define which methods should be used for callback resolution on a particular bean. Usually method name is sufficient, in the case of having multiple methods with the same name, you can narrow down the exact method by specifying class type to use for contextual lookup.

   <bean name="editorHolder" class="com.acme.Example">
      <incallback method="addEditor" />
      <uncallback method="removeEditor" />

   <bean name="fbEditor" class="com.acme.FooEditor"/>

   public class Example
      protected Set<Editor> editors = new HashSet<Editor>();

      public Example() {}

      public void addEditor(Editor editor)

      public void removeEditor(Editor editor)


We can do the same callback injection on a property. And there is also an interesting feature available, though it will be probabaly rarely used. You can define a Cardinality as a condition when that actual dependency is satisfied and injection can take place. The following examples shows how we need at least 2 Editor instances to satisfy callback dependency.

   <bean name="editorHolder" class="com.acme.Example">
      <incallback property="editors" cardinality="2..n" />
      <uncallback property="editors" />

   <bean name="fbEditor" class="com.acme.FooEditor"/>

   <bean name="xyzEditor" class="com.acme.XYZEditor"/>

   public class Example
      protected Set<Editor> editors;

      public Example() {}

      public void setEditors(Set<Editor> editors)
         this.editors = editors;


While using callbacks on the Collection subclasses, currently only basic Collection subinterfaces are supported: List, Set and Queue. See BasicCollectionCallbackItemFactory for more details. But you can change the Collection callback behaviour by providing your own CollectionCallbackItemFactory. You do this by setting System property org.jboss.dependency.collectionCallbackItemFactory and putting CollectionCallbackItemFactory implementation fully qualified class name as a value.

Injection from context

Even though Microcontainer is aimed at POJOs, it doesn't mean you are not able to easily get into the underlying architecture of its state machine. Each bean is represented in Microcontainer's state machine (Controller) as a ControllerContext. ControllerContext holds various information in order to consistently move between lifecycle states, resolve dependencies, apply instance aspects, annotations, metadata ...

With already known injection concept (<inject />), now you can also inject some information from the context. This is what you can currently get a hold on from the underlying context:

  • name - <inject fromContext="name"/>

  • aliases - <inject fromContext="aliases"/>

  • metadata - <inject fromContext="metadata"/>

  • beaninfo - <inject fromContext="beaninfo"/>

  • scope - <inject fromContext="scope"/>

  • id - <inject fromContext="id"/>

  • context itself - <inject fromContext="context"/>

All this information is wrapped into unmodifiable objects, preventing user to add or set additional information outside Microcontainer's Controller. As we already know, <inject/> element can take bean attribute. In this case, if bean attribute is set, we are not targeting bean's underlying context, but context that coresponds to set bean attribute.

   <bean name="sndBean" class="">
      <property name="beaninfo"><inject bean="otherBean" fromContext="beaninfo"/></property>


In this example we inject otherBean's beaninfo information into sndBean bean.

Annotations support

We learned how to configure our POJOs with Microcontainer's XML elements. In today's development most of the configuration is done with annotations. Microcontainer is no exception.

Almost all of the features available in XML are also present in Microcontainer's annotations support, except for the classloading configuration, which for obvious reasons doesn't have its equivalent (class needs to be loaded before we can check for annotations, right). Let's now look at the annotations supported and some of its caveats.

Like in most other configurations XML and predetermined bean metadata override annotations. This is current list of supported annotations and their XML equivalents. Later we will show how you can extend support for your own annotations directly into Microcontainer's configuration.

  • @Aliases - <alias>

                       * The aliases.
                       * Equivalent to deployment's alias element.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      public @interface Aliases
                          * Get aliases array.
                          * @return the aliases
                         String[] value();
                          * Do system property replace.
                          * @return true to replace system property, false otherwise
                         boolean replace() default true;


                      @Aliases({"MyAlias", "YetAnotherSimpleBean"})
                      public class AliasSimpleBeanImpl extends SimpleBeanImpl

  • @ArrayValue - <array>

    @CollectionValue - <collection>

    @ListValue - <list>

    @SetValue - <set>

                       * Injecting array value.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
                      public @interface ArrayValue
                          * Set the array class.
                          * @return array class name
                         String clazz() default "";
                          * Array's element class.
                          * @return element class name
                         String elementClass() default "";
                          * Get the values.
                          * @return the values
                         Value[] value();


                            value = {
                               @Value(string = @StringValue("string1")),
                               @Value(string = @StringValue("string2")),
                               @Value(string = @StringValue("string2")),
                               @Value(string = @StringValue("string1"))
                            elementClass = "java.lang.String",
                            clazz = "[Ljava.lang.Comparable;"
                      public void setArray(Object[] array)
                            value = {
                               @Value(string = @StringValue("string1")),
                               @Value(string = @StringValue("string2")),
                               @Value(string = @StringValue("string2")),
                               @Value(string = @StringValue("string1"))
                            elementClass = "java.lang.String",
                            clazz = "java.util.ArrayList"
                      public void setCollection(Collection collection)

  • @Constructor - <constructor>

                       * Mark the constructor used to instantiate bean.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      public @interface Constructor


                      public TestConstructorBean(@Inject(bean = "testBean") TestBean test)

  • @Create - <create>

    @Start - <start>

    @Stop - <stop>

    @Destroy - <destroy>

                       * Mark lifecycle create method.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      public @interface Create
                          * Is this lifecycle callback ignored.
                          * @return ignored
                         boolean ignored() default false;


                      public void notCreate(@Inject(bean = "Name1") SimpleBeanWithLifecycle bean)
                      public void notStart(@Inject(bean = "Name2")SimpleBeanWithLifecycle bean)
                      public void notStop(@Inject(bean = "Name3")SimpleBeanWithLifecycle bean)
                      public void notDestroy(@Inject(bean = "Name4")SimpleBeanWithLifecycle bean)

  • @Demands - <demands>

                       * The demands.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      public @interface Demands
                          * Get demands.
                          * @return the demands
                         Demand[] value();


                      public class DemandSimpleBeanImpl extends SimpleBeanImpl

  • @Depends - <depends>

                       * The depends values.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      public @interface Depends
                          * Get the depends values.
                          * @return the depends
                         String[] value();


                      public class DependSimpleBeanWithLifecycle extends SimpleBeanWithLifecycle

  • @ExternalInstalls - <install bean="..." method="..."/>

    @ExternalUninstalls - <uninstall bean="..." method="..."/>

                       * Array of external installs.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      public @interface ExternalUninstalls
                          * Get external installs.
                          * @return the external installs
                         ExternalInstall[] value();


                      @ExternalInstalls({@ExternalInstall(bean = "Name1", method = "addSimpleBean", parameters = {@Value(thisValue = @ThisValue)})})
                      @ExternalUninstalls({@ExternalInstall(bean = "Name1", method = "removeSimpleBean", parameters = {@Value(thisValue = @ThisValue)})})
                      public class ExternalInstallSimpleBeanImpl implements Serializable, SimpleBean

  • @Factory - <constructor><factory ...>

                       * Define constructor factory.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      public @interface Factory
                          * Get the factory.
                          * @return the factory value
                         Value factory() default @Value();
                          * Get the factory class.
                          * @return the factory class
                         String factoryClass() default "";
                          * Get the factory method.
                          * @return the factory method
                         String factoryMethod();
                          * Get parameters.
                          * @return the parameters
                         Value[] parameters() default {};


                            factory = @Value(javabean = @JavaBeanValue("")),
                            factoryMethod = "createSimpleBean",
                            parameters = {@Value(string = @StringValue("Factory Value"))}
                      public class FromFactoryWithParamSimpleBean extends SimpleBean

  • @FactoryMethod - <constructor><factory factoryMethod="..." ...>

                       * Mark static method as factory method.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      public @interface FactoryMethod


                      public static SimpleInject getInstance(@NullValue Object someNull)
                         return new SimpleInject();

  • @Inject - <inject>

                       * Beans when injected by class type are by default changed to configured
                       * state - if not yet configured.
                       * You can change this behavior by setting state.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
                      public @interface Inject
                          * Get bean.
                          * Default is no bean.
                          * @return bean name
                         String bean() default "";
                          * Get property.
                          * Default is no property.
                          * @return property name
                         String property() default "";
                          * Get when required.
                          * @return when required.
                         String whenRequired() default "";
                          * Get dependent state.
                          * Default is Installed.
                          * @return dependent state.
                         String dependentState() default "Installed";
                          * Get injection type.
                          * Default is by class.
                          * @return injection type
                         InjectType type() default InjectType.BY_CLASS;
                          * Get injection option.
                          * Default is Strict.
                          * @return injection option
                         InjectOption option() default InjectOption.STRICT;
                          * Get from context injection.
                          * @return from context type
                         FromContext fromContext() default FromContext.NONE;
                          * Is this @Inject valid.
                          * Used with @Value.
                          * @return is this instance valid
                         boolean valid() default true;


                      @Inject(bean = "Name1")
                      public void setSimpleBean(SimpleBean bean)
                      public void startMeUp(@Inject(bean = "lifecycleBean") TestBean bean, @ValueFactory(bean="valueBean", method = "getValue", parameter = "123") int value)
                         test = bean;
                         intVF =- value;

  • @Install - <incallback>

    @Uninstall - <uncallback>

                       * Install callback.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      public @interface Install
                          * Get the cardinality.
                          * Default is no cardinality.
                          * @return cardinality
                         String cardinality() default "";
                          * Get when required.
                          * Default is Configured.
                          * @return when required.
                         String whenRequired() default "Configured";
                          * Get dependent state.
                          * Default is Installed.
                          * @return dependent state.
                         String dependentState() default "Installed";


                      public void addDeployer(MyDeployer deployer)
                         if (deployers == null)
                            deployers = new HashSet<MyDeployer>();
                      public void removeDeployer(MyDeployer deployer)

  • @InstallMethod - <install>

    @UninstallMethod - <uninstall>

                       * Internal installation method.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      public @interface InstallMethod
                          * Get dependant state.
                          * @return the dependant state
                         String dependantState() default "";


                      public void install()
                         installed = true;
                      public void uninstall()
                         installed = false;

  • @JavaBeanValue - <javabean>

                       * Java bean value.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
                      public @interface JavaBeanValue
                          * Get java bean class name.
                          * Must have default constructor.
                          * @return the class name
                         String value() default "";


                            factory = @Value(javabean = @JavaBeanValue("")),
                            factoryMethod = "createSimpleBean"

  • @MapValue - <map>

                       * Map value injection.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
                      public @interface MapValue
                          * Get the map class name.
                          * @return the map class name
                         String clazz() default "";
                          * Get the key class name.
                          * @return the key class name
                         String keyClass() default "";
                          * Get the value class name.
                          * @return the value class name
                         String valueClass() default "";
                          * Get the entries.
                          * @return the entries
                         EntryValue[] value();


                      public AnnotatedLDAPFactory(
                                  keyClass = "java.lang.String",
                                  valueClass = "java.lang.String",
                                  value = {
                                        key = @Value(string = @StringValue("")),
                                        value = @Value(string = @StringValue("QWERT"))
                                        key = @Value(string = @StringValue("xyz.key")),
                                        value = @Value(string = @StringValue(" QWERT "))
                            Map<String, String> map

  • @NullValue - <null>

                       * Null value.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
                      public @interface NullValue
                          * Is valid.
                          * Used in @Parameter and @value to define
                          * unused value.
                          * @return is value valid
                         boolean valid() default true;


                      public void withUninstall(@ThisValue SimpleInject me, @NullValue Object plainNull)
                         System.out.println(me == this);
                         System.out.println("plainNull = " + plainNull);

  • @StringValue - <value>somestring</value>

                       * String value.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
                      public @interface StringValue
                          * Get the value.
                          * @return the value
                         String value();
                          * Get type.
                          * @return the type
                         String type() default "";
                          * Do replace with system properties.
                          * @return true for replace with system properties, false otherwise
                         boolean replace() default true;


                      public ParamIntConstructorAnnBean(@StringValue("7") Integer string)

  • @Supplys - <supply>

                       * The supplys.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      public @interface Supplys
                          * Get supply values.
                          * @return the supplys
                         String[] value();


                      public class SupplyPlainDependecySimpleBeanImpl extends PlainDependecySimpleBeanImpl

  • @ThisValue - <this/>

                       * This value.
                       * Get the underlying target.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
                      public @interface ThisValue
                          * Is instance valid.
                          * @see @org.jboss.beans.metadata.api.annotations.Value
                      * @see @org.jboss.beans.metadata.api.annotations.Parameter
                      * @return true for valid
                         boolean valid() default true;


                      public void whenInstalled(@ThisValue SimpleInject me, @NullValue Object plainNull)
                         System.out.println(me == this);
                         System.out.println("plainNull = " + plainNull);

  • @ValueFactory - <value-factory>

                       * The value factory.
                       * @author <a href="">Ales Justin</a>
                      @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
                      public @interface ValueFactory
                          * Get the bean.
                          * @return the bean
                         String bean();
                          * Get the method.
                          * @return the method
                         String method();
                          * Get single parameter.
                          * @return the single parameter
                         String parameter() default "";
                          * Get parameters.
                          * @return the parameters
                         Parameter[] parameters() default {};
                          * Get default value.
                          * @return the default value
                         String defaultValue() default "";
                          * Get dependant state.
                          * @return the dependant state
                         String dependantState() default "Installed";
                          * Get when required state.
                          * @return the when required state
                         String whenRequiredState() default "Configured";


                      @ValueFactory(bean = "ldap", method = "getValue", parameter = "")
                      public void setValue(String value)

TODO - extending annotations support.