Chapter 10. Deployers module

Table of Contents


With re-writing the new application server Kernel from JMX based to POJO oriented, we also re-wrote the whole Deployer architecture which was also based on the old JMX MBeans. Let's first look at the new concepts and then do an example of each new change.


Combined with previously mentioned new VFS implementation we introduced a new kind of Deployers, the Structure Deployer. The purpose of Structure Deployer is to recognise the deployment type and prepare this information for the actual Deployers. There are already default implementations for standard types such as JAR, WAR, EAR and specific files. You can simply implement your own StructureDeployer or extend the AbstractStructureDeployer. Or you can use the declarative approach by defining your structure with XML file - META-INF/jboss-structure.xml. This file will be automatically picked up by DeclarativeStructureDeployer. Let's now look at how to use one of the existing StructureDeployer implementations, write our own or use the declarative one.

This is how we can add our own new file support. This one defines that -spring.xml files are also treated as metadata files.

This is a simple implementation for our own deployment structure which holds metadata information in mydata direcotry and has Java classes in myclasses directory.

Here we simply write a plain XML file defining where to look for ... TODO