Chapter 9. VFS Configuration and Usage

Table of Contents

VFS Examples
org.jboss.virtual Classes


The virtual file system module provides a read-only abstraction for a file system accessed using a root URI/URL.


The virtual file system module provides a read-only abstraction for a file system accessed using a root URI/URL. The main VFS classes include:

  • org.jboss.virtual.VFS - A factory class for creating and finding VirtualFiles.
  • org.jboss.virtual.VirtualFile - the encapsulation of an entry in a virtual file system.
  • org.jboss.virtual.VirtualFileFilter/VirtualFileFilterWithAttributes - filters that can be used to restrict the VirtualFiles matching a search.
  • org.jboss.virtual.VisitorAttributes - attributes that control how a visitation of a VFS root is performed.
  • org.jboss.virtual.VirtualFileVisitor - a callback interface used with the VFS/VirtualFile.vist methods.
  • org.jboss.virtual.plugins.vfs.helpers.SuffixMatchFilter - a VirtualFileFilter implementation that accepts any file that ends with one of the filter suffixes.

VFS Examples

Example 9.1. Getting a VFS from a root URL

               URL rootURL = ...;
               VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
               VirtualFile jar = vfs.findChild("outer.jar");               

Example 9.2. Getting a VFS from a root URI

               URI rootURI = ...;
               VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURI);
               VirtualFile jar = vfs.findChild("outer.jar");               

Example 9.3. Accessing a jar manifest

               URI rootURI = ...;
               VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURI);
               VirtualFile jar = vfs.findChild("outer.jar");               
               VirtualFile metaInf = jar.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
               InputStream mfIS = metaInf.openStream();
               Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
               Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
               String version = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION);

Example 9.4. Finding all .class files under a VFS root

               URI rootURI = ...;
               VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURI);
               SuffixMatchFilter classVisitor = new SuffixMatchFilter(".class", VisitorAttributes.RECURSE);
               List<VirtualFile> classes = vfs.getChildren(classVisitor);
               int count = 0;
               for (VirtualFile cf : classes)

org.jboss.virtual Classes

Example 9.5. org.jboss.virtual.VFS

public class VFS
    * Get the virtual file system for a root uri
    * @param rootURI the root URI
    * @return the virtual file system
    * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL is null
   public static VFS getVFS(URI rootURI) throws IOException

    * Get the root virtual file
    * @param rootURI the root uri
    * @return the virtual file
    * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL
   public static VirtualFile getRoot(URI rootURI) throws IOException

    * Get a virtual file
    * @param rootURI the root uri
    * @param name the path name
    * @return the virtual file
    * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL or name is null
   public static VirtualFile getVirtualFile(URI rootURI, String name) throws IOException

    * Get the virtual file system for a root url
    * @param rootURL the root url
    * @return the virtual file system
    * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL is null
   public static VFS getVFS(URL rootURL) throws IOException

    * Get the root virtual file
    * @param rootURL the root url
    * @return the virtual file
    * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL
   public static VirtualFile getRoot(URL rootURL) throws IOException

    * Get a virtual file
    * @param rootURL the root url
    * @param name the path name
    * @return the virtual file
    * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL or name is null
   public static VirtualFile getVirtualFile(URL rootURL, String name) throws IOException

    * Get the root file of this VFS
    * @return the root
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the VFS
   public VirtualFile getRoot() throws IOException
    * Find a child from the root
    * @param path the child path
    * @return the child
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the VFS (including the child does not exist)
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is null
   public VirtualFile findChild(String path) throws IOException
    * Find a child from the root
    * @Deprecated use {@link #findChild(String)}
    * @param path the child path
    * @return the child
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the VFS (including the child does not exist)
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is null
   public VirtualFile findChildFromRoot(String path) throws IOException
    * Get the children
    * @return the children
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the root is a leaf node
   public List<VirtualFile> getChildren() throws IOException

    * Get the children
    * @param filter to filter the children
    * @return the children
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the root is a leaf node
   public List<VirtualFile> getChildren(VirtualFileFilter filter) throws IOException
    * Get all the children recursively<p>
    * This always uses {@link VisitorAttributes#RECURSE}
    * @return the children
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the root is a leaf node
   public List<VirtualFile> getChildrenRecursively() throws IOException
    * Get all the children recursively<p>
    * This always uses {@link VisitorAttributes#RECURSE}
    * @param filter to filter the children
    * @return the children
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the root is a leaf node
   public List<VirtualFile> getChildrenRecursively(VirtualFileFilter filter) throws IOException
    * Visit the virtual file system from the root
    * @param visitor the visitor
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the VFS
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the visitor is null
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the root is a leaf node
   public void visit(VirtualFileVisitor visitor) throws IOException


Example 9.6. org.jboss.virtual.VirtualFile

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import org.jboss.util.collection.WeakSet;
import org.jboss.virtual.plugins.vfs.helpers.FilterVirtualFileVisitor;
import org.jboss.virtual.plugins.vfs.helpers.MatchAllVirtualFileFilter;
import org.jboss.virtual.spi.VFSContext;
import org.jboss.virtual.spi.VirtualFileHandler;

 * A virtual file as seen by the user
 * @author
 * @author
 * @version $Revision: 44334 $
public class VirtualFile implements Serializable
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   /** The virtual file handler */
   private final VirtualFileHandler handler;

   /** Whether we are closed */
   private AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false);

   /** The open streams */
   private transient final Set<InputStream> streams = Collections.synchronizedSet(new WeakSet());

    * Create a new VirtualFile.
    * @param handler the handler
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the handler is null
   public VirtualFile(VirtualFileHandler handler)

    * Get the virtual file handler
    * @return the handler
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public VirtualFileHandler getHandler()

    * Get the simple VF name (
    * @return the simple file name
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public String getName()

    * Get the VFS relative path name (org/jboss/
    * @return the VFS relative path name
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public String getPathName()

    * Get the VF URL (file://root/org/jboss/
    * @return the full URL to the VF in the VFS.
    * @throws MalformedURLException if a url cannot be parsed
    * @throws URISyntaxException if a uri cannot be parsed
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public URL toURL() throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException

    * Get the VF URI (file://root/org/jboss/
    * @return the full URI to the VF in the VFS.
    * @throws URISyntaxException if a uri cannot be parsed
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
    * @throws MalformedURLException for a bad url
   public URI toURI() throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException

    * When the file was last modified
    * @return the last modified time
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public long getLastModified() throws IOException

    * Returns true if the file has been modified since this method was last called
    * Last modified time is initialized at handler instantiation.
    * @return
    * @throws IOException
   public boolean hasBeenModified() throws IOException

    * Get the size
    * @return the size
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public long getSize() throws IOException

    * Tests whether the underlying implementation file still exists.
    * @return true if the file exists, false otherwise.
    * @throws IOException - thrown on failure to detect existence.
   public boolean exists() throws IOException

    * Whether it is a simple leaf of the VFS,
    * i.e. whether it can contain other files
    * @return true if a simple file.
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public boolean isLeaf() throws IOException

    * Whether it is hidden
    * @return true when hidden
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public boolean isHidden() throws IOException

    * Access the file contents.
    * @return an InputStream for the file contents.
    * @throws IOException for any error accessing the file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public InputStream openStream() throws IOException

    * Close the streams
   public void closeStreams()

    * Close the file resources (stream, etc.)
   public void close()

    * Get the VFS instance for this virtual file
    * @return the VFS
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public VFS getVFS()

    * Get the parent
    * @return the parent or null if there is no parent
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public VirtualFile getParent() throws IOException

    * Get the children
    * @return the children
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public List<VirtualFile> getChildren() throws IOException
      return getChildren(null);

    * Get the children
    * @param filter to filter the children
    * @return the children
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed or it is a leaf node
   public List<VirtualFile> getChildren(VirtualFileFilter filter) throws IOException

    * Get all the children recursively<p>
    * This always uses {@link VisitorAttributes#RECURSE}
    * @return the children
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
   public List<VirtualFile> getChildrenRecursively() throws IOException
      return getChildrenRecursively(null);

    * Get all the children recursively<p>
    * This always uses {@link VisitorAttributes#RECURSE}
    * @param filter to filter the children
    * @return the children
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed or it is a leaf node
   public List<VirtualFile> getChildrenRecursively(VirtualFileFilter filter) throws IOException

    * Visit the virtual file system
    * @param visitor the visitor
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the visitor is null
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed or it is a leaf node
   public void visit(VirtualFileVisitor visitor) throws IOException

    * Find a child
    * @param path the path
    * @return the child
    * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the VFS (including the child does not exist)
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is null
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed or it is a leaf node
   public VirtualFile findChild(String path) throws IOException


Example 9.7. org.jboss.virtual.VisitorAttributes

 * Attributes used when visiting a virtual file system
 * @author <a href="">Adrian Brock</a>
 * @author
 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
public class VisitorAttributes
   /** A VirtualFileFilter than accepts any file */
   public static final AcceptAnyFilter RECURSE_ALL = new AcceptAnyFilter();

   /** The default attributes - visit nothing both leaves, non-leaves, no recursion */
   public static final VisitorAttributes DEFAULT = new ImmutableVisitorAttributes();

   /** Visit leaves only and do not recurse non-leaf files */
   public static final VisitorAttributes LEAVES_ONLY = new ImmutableVisitorAttributes(true, null);

   /** Recurse and visit all non-leaf files */
   public static final VisitorAttributes RECURSE = new ImmutableVisitorAttributes(false, RECURSE_ALL);

   /** Recurse all non-leaf files but only visit leaves */
   public static final VisitorAttributes RECURSE_LEAVES_ONLY = new ImmutableVisitorAttributes(true, RECURSE_ALL);
   /** Whether to include the root */
   private boolean includeRoot;

   /** Whether to only visit leaves */
   private boolean leavesOnly;

   /** Whether to ignore individual file errors */
   private boolean ignoreErrors;

   /** Whether to include hidden files */
   private boolean includeHidden;

   /** A filter used to control whether a non-leaf is recursive visited */
   private VirtualFileFilter recurseFilter;

    * Whether to visit leaves only<p>
    * Default: false
    * @return the visit leaves only.
   public boolean isLeavesOnly()
      return leavesOnly;

    * Set the leaves only.
    * @param leavesOnly the leaves only
    * @throws IllegalStateException if you attempt to modify one of the preconfigured static values of this class
   public void setLeavesOnly(boolean leavesOnly)
      this.leavesOnly = leavesOnly;

    * Whether to recurse into the non-leaf file<p>. If there is a recurse
    * filter then the result will by its accepts(file) value.
    * Default: false
    * @param file the file
    * @return the recurse flag.
   public boolean isRecurse(VirtualFile file)
      boolean recurse = false;
      if( recurseFilter != null )
         recurse = recurseFilter.accepts(file);
      return recurse;

    * Get the recurse filter.
    * @return the current recurse filter.
   public VirtualFileFilter getRecurseFilter()
      return recurseFilter;

    * Set the recurse filter.
    * @param filter - the recurse filter.
    * @throws IllegalStateException if you attempt to modify one of the preconfigured static values of this class
   public void setRecurseFilter(VirtualFileFilter filter)
      this.recurseFilter = filter;

    * Whether to include the root of the visit<p>
    * Default: false
    * @return the includeRoot.
   public boolean isIncludeRoot()
      return includeRoot;

    * Set the includeRoot.
    * @param includeRoot the includeRoot.
    * @throws IllegalStateException if you attempt to modify one of the preconfigured static values of this class
   public void setIncludeRoot(boolean includeRoot)
      this.includeRoot = includeRoot;

    * Whether to ignore individual errors<p>
    * Default: false
    * @return the ignoreErrors.
   public boolean isIgnoreErrors()
      return ignoreErrors;

    * Set the ignoreErrors.
    * @param ignoreErrors the ignoreErrors.
    * @throws IllegalStateException if you attempt to modify one of the preconfigured static values of this class
   public void setIgnoreErrors(boolean ignoreErrors)
      this.ignoreErrors = ignoreErrors;

    * Whether to include hidden files<p>
    * Default: false
    * @return the includeHidden.
   public boolean isIncludeHidden()
      return includeHidden;

    * Set the includeHidden.
    * @param includeHidden the includeHidden.
    * @throws IllegalStateException if you attempt to modify one of the preconfigured static values of this class
   public void setIncludeHidden(boolean includeHidden)
      this.includeHidden = includeHidden;
