Chapter 14. Reliance modules

Table of Contents

Reliance identity
Reliance rules
Reliance jBPM

In Microcontainer it's all about dependecies. One of the features we promissed it ability to write your own dependency. As a dependency we mean some condition that must be satisfied in order that a state machine let's a node pass to next state. In our case nodes are our beans, which we eventually want to install into Microcontainer's registry.

Almost all component models impose some sort of authentification or authorization. We've added a simple identity module that relies on plain concepts. On top of this we added an extension module where you can define your security requirements via Drools declarative rules. Drools integration is not limited to just security handling, it can be extended to suite any Drools defined rules. More about the subject in the chapters below.

We've also added a jBPM integration to support long lasting state flow definitions. This integration provides a plugable way of notifying state machine nodes that they can move forward to the next state. We'll show a simple human interaction of accepting state change request to move bean into next state.

Reliance identity

Identity ...


The deployment element acts as a container for many beans that are deployed together.

         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

         <!-- Deployment holds beans -->
         <deployment xmlns:xsi=""
            xsi:schemaLocation="urn:jboss:bean-deployer bean-deployer_2_0.xsd"

         <!-- bean part of the deployment -->
         <bean .../>

         <!-- bean part of the deployment -->
         <bean .../>
