Package com.metamatrix.metadata.runtime.api

Interface Summary
DataType The DataType api represents the type of data a particular Element or Procedure is.
DataTypeID DataTypeID uniquely identifies a DataType
Element Instances of this interface represent Elements for a Group.
ElementID The ElementID is the uniue identifier for an Element.
Group Instances of this interface represent Groups in a Model.
GroupID The GroupID is the unique identifier for a Group.
Key Instances of this interface represent Keys for a Group.
KeyID The KeyID is the unique identifier for a Key.
MetadataSourceAPI The DataAccessAPI is the common interface to access runtime metadata.
Model Instances of this interface represent Models in a Virtual Database.
ModelID The runtime id used to uniquely identify a Model.
Procedure Instances of this interface represent Procedures in a Model.
ProcedureID The ProcedureID is the unique identifier for a Procedure.
ProcedureParameter Instances of this interface represent Parameters for a Procedure.
VirtualDatabaseFactory Interface that allows a VirtualDatabaseLoader implementation to create runtime metadata objects for a virtual database.
VirtualDatabaseLoaderProperties Interface that represents the properties associated with a VirtualDatabaseLoader implementation.
VirtualDatabaseMetadata A VirtualDatabaseMetadata represent a virtual database in the repository.

Class Summary
MetadataConstants MetadataConstants are all the constant values used to identify all the valid values for a multi-value attribute.
MetadataConstants.CAPABILITY_PROPERTY_NAMES These property names are used to set connector capability properties on a model.
MetadataConstants.DATATYPE_TYPES A DataType object will be identified as being of one of these types.
MetadataConstants.KEY_TYPES These types indicate the type of KEY it is.
MetadataConstants.MATCH_TYPES These types are associated with a KEY, indicating the type of matching that can be performed on it.
MetadataConstants.NULL_TYPES These types are associated with a DataType or an Element needing the indication of null types.
MetadataConstants.PARAMETER_TYPES These types indicate the type of PROCEDURE_PARAMETER it is.
MetadataConstants.PROCEDURE_TYPES These types indicate the type of PROCEDURE it it.
MetadataConstants.QUERY_PLAN_TYPES These types indicate the type of PROCEDURE it it.
MetadataConstants.SEARCH_TYPES These types are associated with the Element having valid search types.
MetadataConstants.SIMPLE_TYPES Simple Type constants
MetadataConstants.SIMPLE_TYPES.DATA_TYPE_FACETS Simple Type facets
MetadataConstants.SIMPLE_TYPES.FINAL_TYPES Final types.
MetadataConstants.SIMPLE_TYPES.VARIETY_TYPES Variety types.
MetadataConstants.SIMPLE_TYPES.WHITE_SPACE_TYPES White space types.
MetadataConstants.TABLE_TYPES These types represent the type of table a Group is.
MetadataConstants.VISIBILITY_TYPES Visibility type constants.

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