Package com.metamatrix.modeler.core.metadata.runtime

Interface Summary
AnnotationRecord ModelRecord
ColumnRecord ColumnRecord
ColumnSetRecord ColumnSetRecord
ColumnSetRecord.ColumnSetRecordProperties Constants for perperties stored on a ColumnSetRecord
DatatypeRecord ColumnRecord
DatatypeRecord.MetadataFieldNames Constants for names of accessor methods that map to fields stored on the DatatypeRecords.
FileRecord This record represents any file in the vdb
FileRecord.MetadataFieldNames Constants for names of accessor methods that map to fields stored on the FileRecords.
FileRecord.MetadataMethodNames Constants for names of accessor methods on the FileRecords.
ForeignKeyRecord ForeignKeyRecord
ForeignKeyRecord.ForeignKeyRecordProperties Constants for perperties stored on a ForeignKeyRecord
ListEntryRecord ListEntryRecord
MetadataRecord RuntimeRecord
MetadataRecord.MetadataFieldNames Constants for names of accessor methods that map to fields stored on the MetadataRecords.
MetadataRecord.MetadataRecordProperties Constants for perperties stored on a MetadataRecord
ModelRecord ModelRecord
ProcedureParameterRecord ProcedureParameterRecord
ProcedureRecord ProcedureRecord
ProcedureRecord.ProcedureRecordProperties Constants for perperties stored on a ProcedureRecord
PropertyRecord PropertyRecord
PropertyRecord.MetadataFieldNames Constants for names of accessor methods that map to fields stored on the PropertyRecords.
PropertyValueRecord PropertyValueRecord
TableRecord TableRecord
TableRecord.TableRecordProperties Constants for perperties stored on a TableRecord
TransformationRecord TransformationRecord
UniqueKeyRecord UniqueKeyRecord
VdbRecord ModelRecord

Class Summary
MetadataConstants MetadataConstants are all the constant values used to identify all the valid values for a multi-value attribute.
MetadataConstants.COLUMN_SET_TYPES These types indicate the type of COLUMN_SET it is.
MetadataConstants.DATATYPE_TYPES A DataType object will be identified as being of one of these types.
MetadataConstants.DATATYPE_VARIETIES User defined DataType objects will be categorized by a variety The values must be kept consistent with the XSDVariety enumeration in the xsd metamodel and the values referenced in in connector.metadata
MetadataConstants.KEY_TYPES These types indicate the type of KEY it is.
MetadataConstants.MATCH_TYPES These types are associated with a KEY, indicating the type of matching that can be performed on it.
MetadataConstants.NULL_TYPES These types are associated with a DataType or an Element needing the indication of null types.
MetadataConstants.PARAMETER_TYPES These types indicate the type of PROCEDURE_PARAMETER it is.
MetadataConstants.PROCEDURE_TYPES These types indicate the type of PROCEDURE it is.
MetadataConstants.SEARCH_TYPES These types are associated with the Element having valid search types.
MetadataConstants.SQL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPES These types indicate the type of TRANSFORMATION it it.
MetadataConstants.TABLE_TYPES These types represent the type of table a Group is.

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