Package javax.context

Interface Summary
Context The contract between the manager and a contextual object.
Contextual<T> The contract between a context and a contextual type This interface should not be implemented directly by the application.
Conversation Provides conversation management operations
CreationalContext<T> Allows registration of an incompletely initialized contextual instance with the container.

Exception Summary
ContextNotActiveException A ContextNotActiveException is thrown if at a particular point in the execution of the program the scope is inactive with respect to the current thread.

Annotation Types Summary
ApplicationScoped Specifies that a bean is application scoped.
ConversationScoped Specifies that a bean is conversation scoped.
Dependent Specifies that a bean is dependent scoped.
RequestScoped Specifies that a bean is request scoped.
ScopeType Specifies that an annotation type is a scope type.
SessionScoped Specifies that a bean is session scoped.

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