Package javax.enterprise.context

Interface Summary
Conversation Provides conversation management operations

Exception Summary
BusyConversationException The container ensures that a long-running conversation may be associated with at most one request at a time, by blocking or rejecting concurrent requests.
ContextException A ContextException is the base type for any context problem
ContextNotActiveException A ContextNotActiveException is thrown if at a particular point in the execution of the program the context is inactive with respect to the current thread.
NonexistentConversationException If the propagated conversation cannot be restored, the container must associate the request with a new transient conversation and throw an exception of type NonexistentConversationException from the restore view phase of the JSF lifecycle.

Annotation Types Summary
ApplicationScoped Specifies that a bean is application scoped.
ConversationScoped Specifies that a bean is conversation scoped.
Dependent Specifies that a bean is dependent scoped.
RequestScoped Specifies that a bean is request scoped.
ScopeType Specifies that an annotation type is a scope type.
SessionScoped Specifies that a bean is session scoped.

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