Annotation Type Observes

public @interface Observes

Specifies that a parameter of a method of a bean implementation class is the event parameter of an observer method.

Gavin King, Pete Muir, David Allen

Optional Element Summary
 TransactionPhase during
          Specifies whether or not the notification should occur as part of an ongoing transaction, and if so, in which phase of the transaction the notification should occur.
 Notify notifyObserver
          Specifies when an observer method should be notified of an event.


public abstract Notify notifyObserver
Specifies when an observer method should be notified of an event. Defaults to ALWAYS meaning that if a bean instance with the observer method does not already exist, one will be created to receive the event.



public abstract TransactionPhase during
Specifies whether or not the notification should occur as part of an ongoing transaction, and if so, in which phase of the transaction the notification should occur. The default is IN_PROGRESS meaning the notification is not transactional.


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