Interface AnnotatedMethod<X>

Type Parameters:
X - the return type of the method
All Superinterfaces:
Annotated, AnnotatedCallable<X>, AnnotatedMember<X>

public interface AnnotatedMethod<X>
extends AnnotatedCallable<X>

The metadata for an annotated method which can be parsed by the BeanManager The semantics are similar to Method

Pete Muir

Method Summary
 java.lang.reflect.Method getJavaMember()
          Get the underlying Method instance return the method
Methods inherited from interface javax.enterprise.inject.spi.AnnotatedCallable
Methods inherited from interface javax.enterprise.inject.spi.AnnotatedMember
getDeclaringType, isStatic
Methods inherited from interface javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Annotated
getAnnotation, getAnnotations, getBaseType, getTypeClosure, isAnnotationPresent

Method Detail


java.lang.reflect.Method getJavaMember()
Get the underlying Method instance return the method

Specified by:
getJavaMember in interface AnnotatedMember<X>
the member

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