Interface InjectionPoint

public interface InjectionPoint

Provides access to metadata about the injection point into which a dependent object is injected.

Gavin King, Pete Muir

Method Summary
 Annotated getAnnotated()
 Bean<?> getBean()
          Get the Bean object representing the Web Bean that defines the injection point
 java.util.Set<java.lang.annotation.Annotation> getBindings()
          Get the declared binding types of the injection point If the injection point is declared in XML, the type and binding types are determined according to Section 10.8, �Specifying API types and binding types�.
 java.lang.reflect.Member getMember()
          Get the Field object in the case of field injection, the Method object in the case of method parameter injection or the Constructor object in the case of constructor parameter injection.
 java.lang.reflect.Type getType()
          Get the declared type of injection point If the injection point is declared in XML, the type and binding types are determined according to Section 10.8, �Specifying API types and binding types�.
 boolean isDelegate()
 boolean isTransient()

Method Detail


java.lang.reflect.Type getType()
Get the declared type of injection point If the injection point is declared in XML, the type and binding types are determined according to Section 10.8, �Specifying API types and binding types�.

the declared type of the injection point


java.util.Set<java.lang.annotation.Annotation> getBindings()
Get the declared binding types of the injection point If the injection point is declared in XML, the type and binding types are determined according to Section 10.8, �Specifying API types and binding types�.

the declared binding types of the injection point


Bean<?> getBean()
Get the Bean object representing the Web Bean that defines the injection point

the Bean object representing the Web Bean that defines the injection point


java.lang.reflect.Member getMember()
Get the Field object in the case of field injection, the Method object in the case of method parameter injection or the Constructor object in the case of constructor parameter injection.

the member being injected into


Annotated getAnnotated()


boolean isDelegate()


boolean isTransient()

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