jBPM :: Flow 6.0.0.Beta2

Interface WorkflowProcess

All Superinterfaces:
ContextContainer, org.kie.api.definition.KieDefinition, org.kie.api.definition.process.NodeContainer, org.kie.api.definition.process.Process, org.kie.api.definition.process.WorkflowProcess

public interface WorkflowProcess
extends org.kie.api.definition.process.WorkflowProcess, Process, NodeContainer

Represents a RuleFlow process.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.kie.api.definition.KieDefinition
Method Summary
 List<String> getFunctionImports()
          Returns the function imports of this RuleFlow process.
 String[] getGlobalNames()
          Returns the names of the globals used in this RuleFlow process
 Map<String,String> getGlobals()
          Returns the globals of this RuleFlow process.
 List<String> getImports()
          Returns the imports of this RuleFlow process.
 boolean isAutoComplete()
          Returns whether this process will automatically complete if it contains no active node instances anymore
 boolean isDynamic()
 void setFunctionImports(List<String> functionImports)
          Sets the imports of this RuleFlow process
 void setGlobals(Map<String,String> globals)
          Sets the imports of this RuleFlow process
 void setImports(List<String> imports)
          Sets the imports of this RuleFlow process
Methods inherited from interface org.jbpm.process.core.Process
setId, setMetaData, setName, setPackageName, setType, setVersion
Methods inherited from interface org.kie.api.definition.process.Process
getId, getMetaData, getName, getPackageName, getType, getVersion
Methods inherited from interface org.kie.api.definition.KieDefinition
getKnowledgeType, getNamespace
Methods inherited from interface org.jbpm.process.core.ContextContainer
addContext, getContext, getContexts, getDefaultContext, setDefaultContext
Methods inherited from interface org.jbpm.workflow.core.NodeContainer
addNode, internalGetNode, removeNode, resolveContext
Methods inherited from interface org.kie.api.definition.process.NodeContainer
getNode, getNodes

Method Detail


List<String> getImports()
Returns the imports of this RuleFlow process. They are defined as a List of fully qualified class names.

the imports of this RuleFlow process


List<String> getFunctionImports()
Returns the function imports of this RuleFlow process. They are defined as a List of fully qualified class names.

the function imports of this RuleFlow process


void setImports(List<String> imports)
Sets the imports of this RuleFlow process

imports - the imports as a List of fully qualified class names


void setFunctionImports(List<String> functionImports)
Sets the imports of this RuleFlow process

functionImports - the imports as a List of fully qualified class names


Map<String,String> getGlobals()
Returns the globals of this RuleFlow process. They are defined as a Map with the name as key and the type as value.

the imports of this RuleFlow process


void setGlobals(Map<String,String> globals)
Sets the imports of this RuleFlow process

globals - the globals as a Map with the name as key and the type as value


String[] getGlobalNames()
Returns the names of the globals used in this RuleFlow process

the names of the globals of this RuleFlow process


boolean isAutoComplete()
Returns whether this process will automatically complete if it contains no active node instances anymore

the names of the globals of this RuleFlow process


boolean isDynamic()

jBPM :: Flow 6.0.0.Beta2

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