BenchmarkAggregator benchmarkAggregator
BenchmarkResultIO benchmarkResultIO
MillisecondsSpentNumberFormat millisecondsSpentNumberFormat
List<E> plannerBenchmarkResultList
Map<K,V> resultCheckBoxMapping
Map<K,V> solverBenchmarkResultNameMapping
CheckBoxTree checkBoxTree
JTextArea detailTextArea
JProgressBar generateProgressBar
JButton generateReportButton
JButton renameNodeButton
boolean exitApplicationWhenReportFinished
double[] percentageLevels
Comparator<T> resilientScoreComparator
Comparator<T> resilientScoreComparator
Comparator<T> resilientScoreComparator
Comparator<T> worstScoreSolverRankingComparator
Comparator<T> singleBenchmarkComparator
Locale locale
int initScore
int[] hardScores
int[] softScores
int[] hardScores
int[] softScores
BigDecimal[] hardScores
BigDecimal[] softScores
BigDecimal[] hardScores
BigDecimal[] softScores
long[] hardScores
long[] softScores
long[] hardScores
long[] softScores
int hardScore
int mediumScore
int softScore
int hardScore
int mediumScore
int softScore
BigDecimal hardScore
BigDecimal mediumScore
BigDecimal softScore
BigDecimal hardScore
BigDecimal mediumScore
BigDecimal softScore
long hardScore
long mediumScore
long softScore
long hardScore
long mediumScore
long softScore
int hardScore
int softScore
int hardScore
int softScore
BigDecimal hardScore
BigDecimal softScore
BigDecimal hardScore
BigDecimal softScore
double hardScore
double softScore
double hardScore
double softScore
long hardScore
long softScore
long hardScore
long softScore
int score
int score
BigDecimal score
BigDecimal score
double score
double score
long score
long score
BigDecimal from
BigDecimal to
BigDecimal incrementUnit
BigInteger from
BigInteger to
BigInteger incrementUnit
CountableValueRange<T> childValueRange
long size
double from
double to
int from
int to
int incrementUnit
long from
long to
long incrementUnit
Temporal from
Temporal to
long incrementUnitAmount
as incrementUnit
due to lack of calculus functions.TemporalUnit incrementUnitType
long size
VariableDescriptor<Solution_> sourceVariableDescriptor
CustomShadowVariableDescriptor<Solution_> targetShadowVariableDescriptor
VariableDescriptor<Solution_> sourceVariableDescriptor
VariableDescriptor<Solution_> sourceVariableDescriptor
boolean scoreBounderEnabled
boolean scoreBounderEnabled
int partIndex
long eventIndex
PartitionChangedEvent.PartitionChangedEventType type
PartitionChangeMove<Solution_> move
Throwable throwable
int hardWeight
int hardLevelsSize
int softLevelsSize
String[] levelLabels
InitializingScoreTrendLevel[] trendLevels
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