Interface Break<Value_,Difference_ extends Comparable<Difference_>>

Type Parameters:
Value_ - The type of value in the sequence
Difference_ - The type of difference between values in the sequence

public interface Break<Value_,Difference_ extends Comparable<Difference_>>
A Break is a gap between two consecutive values. For instance, the list [1,2,4,5,6,10] has a break of length 2 between 2 and 4, as well as a break of length 4 between 6 and 10.
  • Method Details

    • getPreviousSequence

      Sequence<Value_,Difference_> getPreviousSequence()
      never null, the sequence leading directly into this
    • getNextSequence

      Sequence<Value_,Difference_> getNextSequence()
      never null, the sequence immediately following this
    • isFirst

      default boolean isFirst()
      true if and only if this is the first break
    • isLast

      default boolean isLast()
      true if and only if this is the last break
    • getPreviousSequenceEnd

      default Value_ getPreviousSequenceEnd()
      Return the end of the sequence before this break. For the break between 6 and 10, this will return 6.
      never null, the item this break is directly after
    • getNextSequenceStart

      default Value_ getNextSequenceStart()
      Return the start of the sequence after this break. For the break between 6 and 10, this will return 10.
      never null, the item this break is directly before
    • getLength

      Difference_ getLength()
      Return the length of the break, which is the difference between getNextSequenceStart() and getPreviousSequenceEnd(). For the break between 6 and 10, this will return 4.
      never null, the length of this break