OptaPlanner persistence common 6.4.0.Final
G O R S W 


getInputFileExtension() - Method in interface org.optaplanner.persistence.common.api.domain.solution.SolutionFileIO
It's highly recommended that this method returns the same value as getOutputFileExtension(), because a good output file is able to function as an input file.
getOutputFileExtension() - Method in interface org.optaplanner.persistence.common.api.domain.solution.SolutionFileIO
Every Solution type potentially has its own file extension.


org.optaplanner.persistence.common.api.domain.solution - package org.optaplanner.persistence.common.api.domain.solution


read(File) - Method in interface org.optaplanner.persistence.common.api.domain.solution.SolutionFileIO
This method is thread-safe.


SolutionFileIO - Interface in org.optaplanner.persistence.common.api.domain.solution
Reads or writes a Solution from or to a File.


write(Solution, File) - Method in interface org.optaplanner.persistence.common.api.domain.solution.SolutionFileIO
This method is thread-safe.
G O R S W 
OptaPlanner persistence common 6.4.0.Final

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