A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V 


AbstractConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.upgrade
Abstract base class for obfuscating the passwords in the database.
AbstractConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.AbstractConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask
ADD_COLUMN_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
ADD_COLUMN_EXECUTING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
addColumn(Connection, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Adds a column to a table.
addFilelist(FileList) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.BaseFileSetTask
Adds the given file list to this task.
addFileset(FileSet) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.BaseFileSetTask
Adds the given file set to this task.
addSysproperty(Environment.Variable) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupCombiner
Support subelements to set System properties e.g <sysproperty key="foo" value="bar" /> After the task has completed, the system properties will be reverted to their old values (of if the system property didn't exist before, it will be removed).
addSysproperty(Environment.Variable) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
Support subelements to set System properties e.g <sysproperty key="foo" value="bar" /> After the task has completed, the system properties will be reverted to their old values (of if the system property didn't exist before, it will be removed).
addTask(Task) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpec
Adds the given child task to the list of tasks.
addText(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DirectSQL.Statement
Defines the actual SQL to be executed
ALTER_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
ALTER_COLUMN_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
alterColumn(Connection, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Alters an existing column.
alterColumn(Connection, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.H2DatabaseType
alterColumn(Connection, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
alterColumn(Connection, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType
alterColumn(Connection, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType
ANCESTRY_DELIM - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.ResourceAncestryUpgradeTask
ANCESTRY_ENTRY_DELIM - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.ResourceAncestryUpgradeTask
appendCreateSeqCacheSize(HashMap<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
appendCreateSeqStem(HashMap<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
appendSeqIdCacheTerms(HashMap<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
appendSeqIdNoCacheTerms(HashMap<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder


BAD_SEQ_NAME - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType
baseDir - Variable in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.SimpleFileSet
The base directory where the files are located.
BASEFILESET_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
BASEFILESET_NEED_A_FILE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
BaseFileSetTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup
Defines a task that can take any number of file sets and file lists.
BaseFileSetTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.BaseFileSetTask
between(SchemaVersion, SchemaVersion) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion
Determines if this version is newer than start_exclusive but equal to or older than end_inclusive.
build(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
BundleVersionOrderUpgradeTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.upgrade
Database upgrade task 2.130 to fix BZ 916380 where bundle version orders got disordered when deleting bundles.
BundleVersionOrderUpgradeTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.BundleVersionOrderUpgradeTask


CANNOT_ADD_SCHEMA_SPEC_TASK - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
CANNOT_COMPARE_NON_SCHEMA_SPEC - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
CANNOT_LOAD_JDBC_DRIVER - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
checkColumnExists(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Check to see if a column exists in a table.
checkTableExists(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Determines if the given table exists in the database.
clear(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Purges the entire schema of all existing data.
clear(String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Purges data from the schema.
clearDatabaseTypeCache() - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
By default, this factory will remember what DatabaseType is associated with a specific connection class type.
closeConnection(Connection) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Close a database connection.
closeJDBCObjects(Connection, Statement, ResultSet) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Close a connection, statement, and result set in one method call.
closeResultSet(ResultSet) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Close a database result set.
closeStatement(Statement) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Close a database statement.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpec
Compares the versions.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion
ConfigurationObfuscationCorrectionUpgradeTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.upgrade
We had a buggy version of the password obfuscation code borrowed from JBoss AS.
ConfigurationObfuscationCorrectionUpgradeTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.ConfigurationObfuscationCorrectionUpgradeTask
connection - Variable in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.AbstractConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask
ContentSourceConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.upgrade
ContentSourceConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.ContentSourceConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask
countRows(int, ResultSet) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Counts the number of rows in a result set.
CREATE_SEQUENCE_EXECUTING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
createSchemaSpec() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
Creates a new schema spec object.
createSequence(Connection, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Creates a sequence with the given name.
CreateSequenceExprBuilder - Class in org.rhq.core.db.builders
CreateSequenceExprBuilder() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
createStatement() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DirectSQL
Creates a new statement child task.
CustomAlertSenderUpgradeTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.upgrade
The introduction of custom alert senders brought with it the denormalization of the AlertNotification schema.
CustomAlertSenderUpgradeTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.CustomAlertSenderUpgradeTask


DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
A vendor-specific database with some vendor-specific method implementations in order to do things necessary for each individual type of database.
DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
databaseType - Variable in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.AbstractConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask
DatabaseTypeFactory - Class in org.rhq.core.db
A factory class that creates DatabaseType objects based on the database being connected to.
DatabaseUpgradeTask - Interface in org.rhq.core.db.upgrade
Implement this interface if you wish to write database upgrade steps as SST_JavaTasks.
DB_CONNECTION_METADATA - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DbAntI18NFactory - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant
Convenience utility that creates I18N loggers and messages for the ant tools.
DbAntI18NFactory() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NFactory
DbAntI18NResourceKeys - Interface in org.rhq.core.db.ant
I18N messages for the ant tools.
DBReset - Class in org.rhq.core.db.reset
DBReset() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.reset.DBReset
DBSetup - Class in org.rhq.core.db.setup
Performs XML parsing of the database schema and data files and sets up the database accordingly.
DBSetup(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Creates a new DBSetup object where this object is not in console mode (meaning messages will not be emitted to the console).
DBSetup(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Creates a new DBSetup object where this object is in console mode (meaning messages will be emitted to the console).
DBSetup(Connection) - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Creates a new instance with an already established connection.
DBSETUP_CLEAR_CLEARED_TABLES - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CLEAR_FAILED_TABLES - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CLEAR_SECOND_PASS - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CLEARED_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CLEARED_TABLE_ERROR_FIRST_PASS - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CLEARED_TABLE_ERROR_SECOND_PASS - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CMDLINE_BAD_ARG - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CMDLINE_BAD_DBSETUPFILE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CMDLINE_BAD_JDBCURL - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CMDLINE_BAD_OP - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CMDLINE_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CMDLINE_HELP - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CMDLINE_NOT_OK - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CMDLINE_OK - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CMDLINE_OPTIONS - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CMDLINE_USAGE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CONNECTED_TO_DB - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CREATED_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CREATED_INDEX_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CREATED_ROWS - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CREATED_ROWS_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CREATED_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CREATED_TABLE_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CREATED_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_CREATED_VIEW_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_DO_SQL - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_DROPPED_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_DROPPED_TABLE_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_DROPPED_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_DROPPED_VIEW_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_DURATION - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_EXPORT_CREATED_TABLES - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_EXPORT_FOUND_COLUMN - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_EXPORT_FOUND_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_EXPORT_WARNING_NOTICE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_FATAL_SQL_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_IGNORING_OBSOLETE_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_PATHS_NOT_RELATIVE_TO_STREAM - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_SAX_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_SAX_FATAL - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_SAX_WARNING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_SETTING_UP_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_SETTING_UP_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_SETUP_INDEXES - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_SETUP_TABLES - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_SETUP_VIEWS - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_SOURCE_NOT_VALID - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_UNINSTALL_DROPPED_TABLES - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_UNINSTALL_DROPPED_VIEWS - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_UNINSTALL_FAILED_TABLES - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSETUP_UNINSTALL_FAILED_VIEWS - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBSetupCombiner - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup
An ant task to combine multiple DBSetup XML files into a single file.
DBSetupCombiner() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupCombiner
DBSetupTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup
Ant task wrapper around DBSetup.
DBSetupTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
DBTYPE_CLOSE_CONN_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBTYPE_CLOSE_RESULTSET_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBTYPE_CLOSE_STATEMENT_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_ERROR_DOWNGRADING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_ERROR_DUPLICATE_SCHEMA_SPECS - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_ERROR_DUPLICATE_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_ERROR_INCONSISTENT_STATE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_ERROR_LOADING_START_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_ERROR_MISSING_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_ERROR_SCHEMA_SPECS_OUT_OF_ORDER - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_ERROR_UPDATING_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_INVALID_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_NO_JDBC_URL - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_NO_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_STARTING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_TYPE_MAP_FILE_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_UPGRADE_STEP - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_UPGRADE_STEP_DONE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUPGRADE_UPGRADE_STEP_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DBUpgrader - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
ANT task that performs database upgrades of an existing schema.
DBUpgrader() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
DBUpgrader(Connection) - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
DbUtil - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Provides database utilities.
DbUtilsI18NFactory - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Convienence utility that creates I18N loggers and messages for the DB utilities.
DbUtilsI18NFactory() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NFactory
DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys - Interface in org.rhq.core.db
I18N messages for the DB utilities.
deleteColumn(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Deletes a column.
DELETING_COLUMN - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DEV_VERSION - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion
Defines the development version string - this is the schema version on development builds.
DIRECTSQL_EXECUTING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
doSQL(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Executes the given SQL.
doSQL(String, boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
This method either executes the given SQL (if returnPreparedStatement is false) or it just prepares it in a statement and expects the caller to execute the statement.
doSQL(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.SQLServerXmlDataSet
DriftPathDirectoryDatabaseUpgradeTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.upgrade
Database upgrade task 2.115 adds rhq_drift.path_directory column to store the directory portion of the path column.
DriftPathDirectoryDatabaseUpgradeTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.DriftPathDirectoryDatabaseUpgradeTask
DriftTemplateMapDatabaseUpgradeTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.upgrade
Database upgrade task 2.115 adds the rhq_drift_def_template table.
DriftTemplateMapDatabaseUpgradeTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.DriftTemplateMapDatabaseUpgradeTask
DROP_SEQUENCE_EXECUTING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DROP_TABLE_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DROP_TABLE_EXECUTING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
DROP_TABLE_TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
dropSequence(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Drops the sequence with the given name.
dropTable(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Drops a table.


equals(Object) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion
ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
ERROR_DELETING_COLUMN - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
ERROR_EXECUTING_SCHEMA_SPEC_TASK - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
ERROR_UPDATING_COLUMN - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
ERROR_UPDATING_NONEXISTING_COLUMN - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupCombiner
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpec
Executes each task defined in this schema spec.
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AddColumn
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AlterColumn
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_CreateSequence
Creates the sequence table.
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DeleteColumn
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DirectSQL
Executes each statement defined in this direct-sql task.
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DirectSQL.Statement
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DropSequence
Creates the sequence table.
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DropTable
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Insert
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_JavaTask
Launches the DatabaseUpgradeTask defined by the className attribute, passing the Connection and DatabaseType from the main DBUpgrader.
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Update
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_UpdateColumn
execute() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.MD5Task
execute(DatabaseType, Connection) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.AbstractConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask
execute(DatabaseType, Connection) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.BundleVersionOrderUpgradeTask
execute(DatabaseType, Connection) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.ConfigurationObfuscationCorrectionUpgradeTask
execute(DatabaseType, Connection) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.CustomAlertSenderUpgradeTask
execute(DatabaseType, Connection) - Method in interface org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.DatabaseUpgradeTask
execute(DatabaseType, Connection) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.DriftPathDirectoryDatabaseUpgradeTask
execute(DatabaseType, Connection) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.DriftTemplateMapDatabaseUpgradeTask
execute(DatabaseType, Connection) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.OperationScheduleIdSetterUpgradeTask
execute(DatabaseType, Connection) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.ResourceAncestryUpgradeTask
executePostCreateCommands() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.SQLServerXmlDataSet
executePreCreateCommands() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.SQLServerXmlDataSet
executeSelectSql(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Executes the given SQL on the given connection.
executeSql(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Executes the given SQL on the given connection.
executeSql(Connection, List<String>) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Executes each SQL string in the list.
EXECUTING_SCHEMA_SPEC_TASK - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
EXECUTING_SQL - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
export(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Exports an existing schema to a DBSetup XML file.
ExtendedSQLException - Exception in org.rhq.core.db
Wraps another SQLException, providing one additional field for specifying the SQL that caused the exception.
ExtendedSQLException(SQLException, String) - Constructor for exception org.rhq.core.db.ExtendedSQLException


FeatureNotSupportedException - Exception in org.rhq.core.db
FeatureNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.rhq.core.db.FeatureNotSupportedException
files - Variable in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.SimpleFileSet
The names of the files in the set.


getAllFiles() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.BaseFileSetTask
Returns a list of all files in all sets.
getAllFileSets() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.BaseFileSetTask
Returns all specified file sets.
getBooleanValue(boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Get the value for a boolean as a string as required for the specific database.
getBooleanValue(boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
Oracle needs 1 for true and 0 for false.
getBuilder(DatabaseType) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
getBuilder(String) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
getConfigurationIdConfigurationDefinitionIdPairs() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.AbstractConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask
Based on the entity type that the subclass handles, this method will return the pairs of configuration id and the corresponding configuration definition id for each of the entities that the subclass handles.
getConfigurationIdConfigurationDefinitionIdPairs() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.ContentSourceConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask
getConnection() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
Gets a connection to the database as configured by this task's attributes.
getConnection() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
Returns a database connection this task can use.
getConnection(Context, String) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Given a context and a JNDI datasource name, this will lookup within that context to find the named datasource.
getConnection(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DbUtil
Given a JDBC URL, this will attempt to create a connection to the database.
getConnection() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Gets the live connection that this object is using.
getDatabaseType() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
Returns the type of database that is being upgraded.
getDatabaseType() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
Returns the type of database being upgraded.
getDatabaseType(Context, String) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Convenience method that gives you the DatabaseType given a context and datasource.
getDatabaseType(Connection) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Given a Connection object, this method returns its associated DatabaseType.
getDatabaseType() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Gets the database type information of the database this object is currently connected to.
getDBSpecificTypeName(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
Returns the database-specific type name for the given generic type.
getDBTypeFromGenericType(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Given a genertic type, this will return an analogous type that is specific to this database.
getDefaultCommand(List) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.H2Column
getDefaultDatabaseType() - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
This is the getter of a get/set convenience mechanism for storing and retrieving the active database type.
getDropCommands(List) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.H2Column
getEntityTypeDescription() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.AbstractConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask
getEntityTypeDescription() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.ContentSourceConfigurationObfuscationUpgradeTask
getEscapeCharacter() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Provides the value to be used for the ESCAPE character in string literals.
getEscapeCharacter() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql91DatabaseType
Postgres 9.1 and later is using a standard conforming escape character out of the box unlike earlier versions of Postgres, which means we need to follow this convention here.
getEscapeCharacter() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType
This is overridden for Postgres because by default (at least in our currently supported versions) postgres treats '\' as an escape character in a string literal and the ESCAPE character for LIKE syntax is specified as a string literal.
getFactorySequenceCacheSize() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
Get the default factory sequence id cache size.
getHibernateDialect() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Return the hibernate dialect, that can be used in <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="" / > expressions within persistence.xml
getHibernateDialect() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.H2DatabaseType
getHibernateDialect() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle10DatabaseType
getHibernateDialect() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle8DatabaseType
getHibernateDialect() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle9DatabaseType
getHibernateDialect() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType
getHibernateDialect() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType
getIgnoreError() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
getInteger(Object) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Get the Integer representation of the number type supplied by the db vendor for an integer field value.
getInteger(Object) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
getIsLatest() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion
Returns true if this version is to be considered the latest schema version; no other schema versions are considered newer than the version this object represents.
getJdbcUser() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Returns the username that this object will use when connecting to the database.
getLogger(Class) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NFactory
Creates the logger and uses the LoggerLocale.
getLogger(Class) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NFactory
Creates the logger and uses the LoggerLocale.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion
The major version number, which is the left most number in the X.X.X version string.
getMappedType(String, DatabaseType) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.TypeMap
If this type map defines database types for the given generic type, this returns the type for the given database.
getMappedType(Collection<TypeMap>, String, DatabaseType) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.TypeMap
Given a collection of generic type maps, this returns the database specific type for the given generic type.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion
The minor version number, which is the second number in the X.X.X version string.
getMsg() - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NFactory
Creates a Msg that uses the messages resource bundle and the VM's default locale.
getMsg() - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NFactory
Creates a Msg that uses the messages resource bundle and the VM's default locale.
getMsgWithLoggerLocale() - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NFactory
Creates a Msg that uses the messages resource bundle and LoggerLocale, which is used by the loggers created by this class.
getMsgWithLoggerLocale() - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NFactory
Creates a Msg that uses the messages resource bundle and LoggerLocale, which is used by the loggers created by this class.
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Returns a vendor-specific, version-specific database name.
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.H2v11DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.H2v12DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle10DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle11DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle8DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle9DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql7DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql81DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql82DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql83DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql84DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql8DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql90DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql91DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServer2005DatabaseType
getName() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServer2008DatabaseType
getNewConnection() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
Get a new connection from this task's owning DBUpgrader object.
getNextSequenceValue(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
A utility that returns the next value of a sequence.
getNextSequenceValue(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.H2DatabaseType
getNextSequenceValue(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
getNextSequenceValue(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType
getNextSequenceValue(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType
getPatchVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion
The patch version number, which is the third number in the X.X.X version string.
getPreCreateCommands(List) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.H2Column
getSafeSequenceCacheSize(CreateSequenceExprBuilder, String) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
getSeqIdCacheLiteral() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
getSeqIdNoCacheLiteral() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
getSequenceInsertValue(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
A utility that returns the string for sequence use in an Insert statement
getSequenceInsertValue(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
getSequenceValue(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
A utility that returns the last value of a sequence.
getSequenceValue(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.H2DatabaseType
Assumes the sequence table is the value of the table argument followed by "_", the value of the key argument and then "_seq".
getSequenceValue(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
getSequenceValue(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType
Assumes the sequence table is the value of the table argument followed by "_", the value of the key argument and then "_seq".
getSequenceValue(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType
Assumes the sequence table is the value of the table argument followed by "_", the value of the key argument and then "_seq".
getSQL() - Method in exception org.rhq.core.db.ExtendedSQLException
getSQLExceptionString(SQLException) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DbUtil
Given an SQL exception, this will return a string that contains the error code and message for it and its causes.
getTargetDBVendor() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
Sets the vendor name of the target DB where this SQL should run.
getTargetDBVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
Gets the version string of the target DB where this SQL should run.
getTypeMaps() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
Returns the collection of database type mappings.
getVendor() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Returns a vendor-specific database name.
getVendor() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.H2DatabaseType
getVendor() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
getVendor() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType
getVendor() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpec
Returns the schema version of this object.
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Returns the version number of the database, as a String.
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.H2v11DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.H2v12DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle10DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle11DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle8DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle9DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql7DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql81DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql82DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql83DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql84DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql8DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql90DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql91DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServer2005DatabaseType
getVersion() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServer2008DatabaseType


H2Column - Class in org.rhq.core.db.setup
H2Column(Node, Table) - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.setup.H2Column
H2DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Superclass of all versions of the H2 database.
H2DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.H2DatabaseType
H2v11DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
H2 database version 1.1 which extends the abstract support for H2 database.
H2v11DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.H2v11DatabaseType
H2v12DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
H2 database version 1.2 which extends the abstract support for H2 database.
H2v12DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.H2v12DatabaseType
hashCode() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion


INDEX_CONDITION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
init(Project, FileSet) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.SimpleFileSet
Initializes this object with the given file set.
init(Project, FileList) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.SimpleFileSet
Initializes this object with the given file set.
init(Connection, DatabaseType) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DirectSQL.Statement
Initializes this statement task with a database connection and database type.
initialize(Connection, DBUpgrader) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpec
Initializes this object with a database connection and a DBUpgrade task object.
initialize(Connection, DBUpgrader) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
Initializes this task with a database connection and a DBUpgrader object.
insert(Connection, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Inserts data into a table.
INSERT_EXECUTING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
INSERT_IGNORE_DUPLICATE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
INSERT_ROLLBACK_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
INVALID_JDBC_SQL_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
INVALID_TYPE_MAP - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
INVALID_TYPE_MAP_ATTRIB - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
INVALID_TYPE_MAP_CHILD - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
isDBTargeted() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
Returns true if this task's database is targeted for this schema spec.
isH2(Connection) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Is the database H2?
isH2(DatabaseType) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Determines if the given type refers to an H2 database.
isIgnoreError() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
isOracle(Connection) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Is the database Oracle?
isOracle(DatabaseType) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Determines if the given type refers to an Oracle database.
isPostgres(Connection) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Is the database PostgreSQL?
isPostgres(DatabaseType) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Determines if the given type refers to a Postgres database.
isSQLServer(Connection) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Is the database SQL Server?
isSQLServer(DatabaseType) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Determines if the given type refers to an SQL Server database.
isTableNotFoundException(SQLException) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Determines if the given SQL exception was caused by a "table not found" error.
isTableNotFoundException(SQLException) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.H2DatabaseType
isTableNotFoundException(SQLException) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
isTableNotFoundException(SQLException) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType
isTableNotFoundException(SQLException) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType


JAVA_TASK_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
JAVA_TASK_EXECUTING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys


KEY_SEQ_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
KEY_SEQ_INCREMENT - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
KEY_SEQ_NAME - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
KEY_SEQ_START - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
KNOWN_TYPEMAPS_XML_FILE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys


LATEST_VERSION - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion
Defines the version string that indicates this is the latest schema version.
LOADED_TYPE_MAPS - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
loadJdbcDriver(String) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
Given a JDBC URL, this will attempt to load in the JDBC driver class that will be needed to connect to the database via that URL and will return that driver class name.
loadKnownTypeMaps() - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.TypeMap
Loads in the known type maps.
loadTypeMapsFromStream(InputStream) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.TypeMap
Given an input stream that contains an XML file of type maps, this will load in those type maps.


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.reset.DBReset
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
A console application that can be used to run the DBSetup from a command line.
matches(String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Returns true if this database type's vendor and version match those of the given vendor and given version strings.
MD5Task - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant
Encrypts a string.
MD5Task() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.MD5Task
MESSAGE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
MISSING_SCHEMA_SPEC_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
MISSING_TYPE_MAP_GENERIC_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
MULTIPLE_FOREIGN_KEYS_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
MULTIPLE_INITIALIZERS_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys


NO_DB_SPECIFIC_TYPE_MAPPING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
NODE_NOT_VALID_TYPEMAP_NODE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
NOT_A_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys


OperationScheduleIdSetterUpgradeTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.upgrade
Sets values on the id column for all rows in RHQ_OPERATION_SCHEDULE.
OperationScheduleIdSetterUpgradeTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.OperationScheduleIdSetterUpgradeTask
Oracle10DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Oracle10 database which extends the Oracle9 database.
Oracle10DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle10DatabaseType
Oracle11DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Oracle11 database which extends the Oracle10 database.
Oracle11DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle11DatabaseType
Oracle8DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Oracle8 database.
Oracle8DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle8DatabaseType
Oracle9DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Oracle9 database which extends from the Oracle8 database.
Oracle9DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Oracle9DatabaseType
OracleDatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Superclass of all versions of the Oracle database.
OracleDatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
org.rhq.core.db - package org.rhq.core.db
org.rhq.core.db.ant - package org.rhq.core.db.ant
org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup - package org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup
org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade - package org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
org.rhq.core.db.builders - package org.rhq.core.db.builders
org.rhq.core.db.reset - package org.rhq.core.db.reset
org.rhq.core.db.setup - package org.rhq.core.db.setup
org.rhq.core.db.upgrade - package org.rhq.core.db.upgrade


performDBReset(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.reset.DBReset
ping(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DbUtil
Pings a database by simply connecting to it.
Postgresql7DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Postgres 7.x database.
Postgresql7DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql7DatabaseType
Postgresql81DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Postgres 8.1 database which extends the Postgres 8.x database.
Postgresql81DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql81DatabaseType
Postgresql82DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Postgres 8.2 database which extends the Postgres 8.x database.
Postgresql82DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql82DatabaseType
Postgresql83DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Postgres 8.3 database which extends the Postgres 8.x database.
Postgresql83DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql83DatabaseType
Postgresql84DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Postgres 8.4 database which extends the Postgres 8.3 database.
Postgresql84DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql84DatabaseType
Postgresql8DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Postgres 8.x database which extends the Postgres 7.x database.
Postgresql8DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql8DatabaseType
Postgresql90DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Postgres 9.0 database which extends the Postgres 8.4 database.
Postgresql90DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql90DatabaseType
Postgresql91DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Postgres 9.1 database which extends the Postgres database.
Postgresql91DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.Postgresql91DatabaseType
PostgresqlDatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Superclass of all versions of the Postgres database.
PostgresqlDatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType


reindexTable(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Reindexes the given table.
reindexTable(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.H2DatabaseType
reindexTable(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
reindexTable(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType
reindexTable(Connection, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType
ResourceAncestryUpgradeTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.upgrade
The introduction of pre-computed disambiguated "ancestry" for Resources requires that existing inventory be updated with pre-computed values.
ResourceAncestryUpgradeTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.ResourceAncestryUpgradeTask


SCHEMA_SPEC_TASK_FAILURE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
SCHEMA_SPEC_TASK_INVALID_ATTRIB - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
SCHEMA_SPEC_TASK_MISSING_ATTRIB - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
SCHEMA_SPEC_TASK_MISSING_CHILD_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
SCHEMA_SPEC_TASK_TARGET_VERSION_WITHOUT_VENDOR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
SCHEMA_SPEC_TASK_UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIB - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
SCHEMA_SPEC_TASK_VENDOR_MISMATCH - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
SCHEMA_SPEC_TASK_VERSION_MISMATCH - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
SchemaSpec - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
An ANT task that defines a single, specific upgrade step that upgrades the schema to a particular version.
SchemaSpec(DBUpgrader) - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpec
Creates a new SchemaSpec object.
SchemaSpecTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
A task that performs an individual step to help upgrade a schema to a particular version.
SchemaSpecTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
SchemaVersion - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
Object that encapsulates and compares database schema version strings.
SchemaVersion(String) - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion
Creates a new SchemaVersion object.
SEQ_ERROR_MSG - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType
SEQ_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType
SEQID_CACHE_SIZE_NOT_AN_INTEGER - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
setBase64(boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.MD5Task
setBooleanValue(boolean, PreparedStatement, int) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Fill out a PreparedStatement correctly with a boolean.
setBooleanValue(boolean, PreparedStatement, int) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
For Oracle databases, the boolean parameter will actually be of type "int" with a value of 0 or 1.
setClassName(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_JavaTask
Sets the name of the class that implements the DatabaseUpgradeTask interface.
setColumn(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AddColumn
Sets the new column name.
setColumn(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AlterColumn
Sets the name of the column that is to be altered.
setColumn(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DeleteColumn
The column to be deleted.
setColumn(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Update
Sets the name of the column whose data is being updated.
setColumn(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_UpdateColumn
The column to be updated.
setColumnType(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AddColumn
Sets the generic DB column type of the new column.
setColumnType(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AlterColumn
Sets the column's new generic column type.
setColumnType(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Update
Sets the generic type of the column that is being updated.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
This can be used to programatically override the JDBC connection to be used by this task.
setDataOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
setDefault(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AlterColumn
Sets the new default value of the column.
setDefaultDatabaseType(DatabaseType) - Static method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory
This is the setter of a get/set convenience mechanism for storing and retrieving the active database type.
setDelete(boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
setDesc(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DirectSQL.Statement
A simple description that is logged when executing this statement.
setDestfile(File) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupCombiner
setDupFail(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Insert
Flag to indicate if a duplicate row getting inserted into the DB causes the build to fail or not.
setExportXml(boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
setIgnoreError(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
setIncrement(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_CreateSequence
Sets the sequence increment.
setInitial(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_CreateSequence
Sets the initial value of the first sequence number.
setInsertCmd(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Insert
The insert SQL to indicate what is to be inserted.
setJdbcPassword(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
setJdbcPassword(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
The database user's credentials used to log into the database.
setJdbcUrl(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
setJdbcUrl(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
The URL to the database that is to be upgraded.
setJdbcUser(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
setJdbcUser(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
Log into the database as this user.
setKeyColumn(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
This is the name of the column in the table that identifies the row that has the schema version in it.
setKeyMatch(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
This is the value of the key column that identifies the row whose value column is the schema version.
setModifyCmd(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_UpdateColumn
The actual portion of the modify SQL that indicates what needs to be altered.
setName(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupCombiner
setName(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_CreateSequence
The name attribute of the ANT task element which defines the sequence table name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DropSequence
The name attribute of the ANT task element which defines the sequence table name.
setNullable(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AlterColumn
Sets the new nullable setting for the column - if true it can be null, if false it cannot.
setOrder(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupCombiner
setPrecision(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AddColumn
If the new column holds numeric data or data that can be limited to a particular precision, this defines its precision.
setPrecision(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AlterColumn
Sets the column's new precision.
setProperty(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.MD5Task
setReindex(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AlterColumn
Sets the reindex flag - this is a boolean string, "true" or "false".
setSeqIdCacheSize(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_CreateSequence
Sets the sequence id cache size.
setTable(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
setTable(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
The table name that contains the row where the schema version can be found.
setTable(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AddColumn
Sets the name of the table that will get the new column added to it.
setTable(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AlterColumn
Sets the table name whose column is to be altered.
setTable(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DeleteColumn
The table that owns the column to be deleted.
setTable(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DropTable
Sets the table name to be dropped.
setTable(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Insert
The name of the table where the data is to be inserted.
setTable(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Update
Sets the name of the table whose column is being updated.
setTable(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_UpdateColumn
The table that owns the column to be updated.
setTargetDBVendor(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
Sets the vendor name of the target DB where this SQL should run.
setTargetDBVendor(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DirectSQL.Statement
Sets the vendor name of the target DB where this SQL should run.
setTargetDBVersion(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
Sets the version string of the target DB where this SQL should run.
setTargetDBVersion(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DirectSQL.Statement
Sets the version string of the target DB where this SQL should run.
setTargetSchemaVersion(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
This is the schema version that the schema should be upgraded to.
setTypeMap(File) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
A file that contains database type mappings.
setUninstall(boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
setup(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Performs the full database setup.
setup(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
Performs the actual database setup.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Update
Sets the new value that will be stored in the column.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.MD5Task
setValueColumn(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
The column in the table whose value is the schema version.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpec
This is the version to which this upgrade step takes the schema to.
setWhere(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Update
Sets a where clause (excluding the WHERE keyword) that limits the rows that will be updated.
setXmlFile(File) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupTask
shouldExecSpecVersion(SchemaVersion) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.DBUpgrader
Returns true if the given version's schema spec should be executed.
SimpleFileSet - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup
Maintains a simple set of files.
SimpleFileSet(Project, FileSet) - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.SimpleFileSet
Creates a new SimpleFileSet object given a file set.
SimpleFileSet(Project, FileList) - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.SimpleFileSet
Creates a new SimpleFileSet object given a file list.
SQLServer2005DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
SQL Server version 2005 which extends the abstract support for SQL Server database.
SQLServer2005DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServer2005DatabaseType
SQLServer2008DatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
SQL Server version 2008 which extends the abstract support for SQL Server database.
SQLServer2008DatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServer2008DatabaseType
SQLServerDatabaseType - Class in org.rhq.core.db
Superclass of all versions of the SQL Server database.
SQLServerDatabaseType() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType
SQLServerXmlDataSet - Class in org.rhq.core.db.setup
SQLServerXmlDataSet(Table, Node) - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.setup.SQLServerXmlDataSet
SST_AddColumn - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
Ant task to add a column to a database table.
SST_AddColumn() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AddColumn
SST_AlterColumn - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
Ant task that can alter an existing column.
SST_AlterColumn() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_AlterColumn
SST_CreateSequence - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
This is a DB-Upgrade ANT task that is used to create sequences in the database.
SST_CreateSequence() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_CreateSequence
SST_DeleteColumn - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
Ant task to delete a given column from a given table.
SST_DeleteColumn() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DeleteColumn
SST_DirectSQL - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
Task that allows direct SQL to be executed.
SST_DirectSQL() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DirectSQL
SST_DirectSQL.Statement - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
An individual statement task that is executed as part of the direct-sql schema spec task.
SST_DirectSQL.Statement() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DirectSQL.Statement
SST_DropSequence - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
This is a DB-Upgrade ANT task that is used to drop sequences from the database.
SST_DropSequence() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DropSequence
SST_DropTable - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
Drops a table.
SST_DropTable() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_DropTable
SST_Insert - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
Ant task to insert data into a table.
SST_Insert() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Insert
SST_JavaTask - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
Task that allows more complicated upgrade logic to be externalized into a Java class.
SST_JavaTask() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_JavaTask
SST_Update - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
Ant task that updates data in a table.
SST_Update() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_Update
SST_UpdateColumn - Class in org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade
Ant task to modify attributes of a given column.
SST_UpdateColumn() - Constructor for class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SST_UpdateColumn
supportsSelfReferringCascade() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Most vendors support foreign keys to itself that in fact perform cascade delete.
supportsSelfReferringCascade() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType


TASK_MISSING_ATTRIB - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
toString() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpec
toString() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaVersion
toString() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
toString() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.TypeMap
translateSqlType(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbupgrade.SchemaSpecTask
Given a generic type name, this returns the Types integer value of that type.
TypeMap - Class in org.rhq.core.db
This class performs XML parsing on content that defines database specific type mappings.


uninstall(String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.setup.DBSetup
This is the reverse of setup - that is, it removes a schema from a database, deleting all data with it.
UNKNOWN_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.DbUtilsI18NResourceKeys
update(Connection, String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Updates data in a particular column.
UPDATE_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
UPDATE_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
UPDATE_EXECUTING - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
updateColumn(Connection, String, String, String) - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType
Updates a column by altering its attributes.
UPDATING_COLUMN - Static variable in interface org.rhq.core.db.ant.DbAntI18NResourceKeys
USE_SEQID_NOCACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.builders.CreateSequenceExprBuilder
Indicates that the NOCACHE option should be used.


validateAttributes() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.BaseFileSetTask
Makes sure at least one file set/list was added.
validateAttributes() - Method in class org.rhq.core.db.ant.dbsetup.DBSetupCombiner
Makes sure this task's attributes are valid.
VENDOR - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType
The vendor name for all Oracle databases.
VENDOR_NAME - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.H2DatabaseType
The vendor name for all H2 databases.
VENDOR_NAME - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType
The vendor name for all PostgresQL databases.
VENDOR_NAME - Static variable in class org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType
The vendor name for all SQL Server databases.
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