RichFaces CDK XInclude Transformer 4.2.3.Final

Class ShorthandPart

  extended by org.apache.cocoon.pipeline.component.xpointer.ShorthandPart
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ShorthandPart
extends Object
implements PointerPart

Implements support for shorthand XPointers (= id-based lookup). We treat them here as if they were a pointerpart too.

Note that although this is implemented here, this feature depends on the presence of a DTD, and a validating parser. Currently, this means its unuseable within Cocoon.

Constructor Summary
ShorthandPart(String shorthand)
Method Summary
 boolean process(XPointerContext xpointerContext)
          If this pointer part successfully identifies any subresources, it should stream them to the XMLConsumer available from the XPointerContext and return true.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ShorthandPart(String shorthand)
Method Detail


public boolean process(XPointerContext xpointerContext)
                throws SAXException,
Description copied from interface: PointerPart
If this pointer part successfully identifies any subresources, it should stream them to the XMLConsumer available from the XPointerContext and return true. Otherwise this method should return false.

Specified by:
process in interface PointerPart

RichFaces CDK XInclude Transformer 4.2.3.Final

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