RichFaces Photoalbum 4.3.5.Final


Interface Summary
ISearchAction Interface for search actions
ISearchStrategy Generic interface for determine what query need for particular entity and other parameters

Class Summary
SearchAction This class is entry point to retrieve search result EJB3 Bean
SearchBothAlbumsStrategy Strategy to retrieve albums, that are shared or belongs to user, that perform search
SearchBothImagesStrategy Strategy to retrieve images, that are shared or belongs to user, that perform search
SearchBothShelvesStrategy Strategy to retrieve shelves, that are shared or belongs to user, that perform search
SearchMetatagsStrategy Strategy to retrieve metatags
SearchMyAlbumsStrategy Strategy to retrieve albums, that belongs to user, that perform search
SearchMyImagesStrategy Strategy to retrieve images, that belongs to user, that perform search
SearchMyShelvesStrategy Strategy to retrieve shelves, that belongs to user, that perform search
SearchQueryFactory This class is factory to retrieve query object, dependent of type of searched entity and other parameters
SearchSharedAlbumsStrategy Strategy to retrieve albums, that are shared
SearchSharedImagesStrategy Strategy to retrieve images, that are shared
SearchSharedShelvesStrategy Strategy to retrieve shelves, that are shared
SearchUserStrategy Strategy to retrieve users

Enum Summary
SearchEntityEnum This enumeration represent all possible entities for search

RichFaces Photoalbum 4.3.5.Final

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