Tag inplaceSelect

The <rich:inplaceSelect> component is similar to the <rich:inplaceInput> component, except that the <rich:inplaceSelect> component uses a drop-down selection box to enter text instead of a regular text field. Changes can be rendered either in-line or for the whole block, and inputs can be focused with keyboard navigation. The component is based on the JSF UISelectOne component, so all the standard rules for value definition, processing, conversion, and validation apply.

@author Anton Belevich

Tag Information
Component type org.richfaces.InplaceSelect
Tag Name rich:inplaceSelect
Renderer Type org.richfaces.InplaceSelectRenderer
Handler Class None

Name Required Type Description
activeClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied to the list element when it is in the "active" state. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
binding false javax.faces.component.UIComponent The value binding expression used to wire up this component to a component property of a JavaBean class
changedClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied to the list element when it is in the "changed" state. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
converter false javax.faces.convert.Converter Converter instance registered with this component.
converterMessage false java.lang.String A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if present, will be used as the text of the converter message, replacing any message that comes from the converter.
defaultLabel false java.lang.String Used to set the display text when value is undefined
disabled false boolean If "true", this component is disabled
disabledClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied to the list element when it is disabled. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
editEvent false java.lang.String

The event on which to switch the component to the edit state

Default is "click"

id false java.lang.String The component identifier for this component. This value must be unique within the closest parent component that is a naming container.
immediate false boolean Flag indicating that this component's value must be converted and validated immediately (that is, during Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting until Process Validations phase.
inputWidth false java.lang.String The width of the input element
itemClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied to the list items. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
listClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied to the list element. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
listHeight false java.lang.String The height of the list element
listWidth false java.lang.String The width of the list element
onblur false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
onchange false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when the list element loses focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
onclick false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is clicked over this element.
ondblclick false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is double clicked over this element.
onfocus false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
oninputclick false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is clicked over the input element.
oninputdblclick false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is double clicked over the input element.
oninputkeydown false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a key is pressed down over the input element.
oninputkeypress false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a key is pressed and released over the input element.
oninputkeyup false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a key is released over the input element.
oninputmousedown false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is pressed down over the input element.
oninputmousemove false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved within the input element.
oninputmouseout false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved away from the input element.
oninputmouseover false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved onto the input element.
oninputmouseup false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is released over the input element.
oninputselect false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when text in the input element is selected
onkeydown false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a key is pressed down over this element.
onkeypress false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a key is pressed and released over this element.
onkeyup false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a key is released over this element.
onlistclick false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is clicked over the list element.
onlistdblclick false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is double clicked over the list element.
onlisthide false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when the list element is hidden
onlistkeydown false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a key is pressed down over the list element.
onlistkeypress false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a key is pressed and released over the list element.
onlistkeyup false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a key is released over the list element.
onlistmousedown false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is pressed down over the list element.
onlistmousemove false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved within the list element.
onlistmouseout false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved away from the list element.
onlistmouseover false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved onto the list element.
onlistmouseup false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is released over the list element.
onlistshow false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when the list element is shown
onmousedown false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is pressed down over this element.
onmousemove false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved within this element.
onmouseout false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved away from this element.
onmouseover false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved onto this element.
onmouseup false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is released over this element.
onselectitem false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when an item is selected
openOnEdit false boolean If "false" do not switch the component to the edit state on "click"
rendered false boolean Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent form submit. The default value for this property is true.
required false boolean Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted value for this input component.
requiredMessage false java.lang.String A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if present, will be used as the text of the validation message for the "required" facility, if the "required" facility is used.
saveOnBlur false boolean If "true", apply the changes when the focus is lost
saveOnSelect false boolean When "false" do not save the item as the new control value when the user selects an item from the drop-down list
selectItemClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied to the selected list item. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
showControls false boolean If "true" is set, buttons for confirming or canceling are added to the component
style false java.lang.String CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
styleClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when this element is rendered. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
tabindex false int Position of this element in the tabbing order for the current document. This value must be an integer between 0 and 32767.
title false java.lang.String Advisory title information about markup elements generated for this component.
validator false javax.faces.el.MethodBinding MethodExpression representing a validator method that will be called during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters, with a return type of void.
validatorMessage false java.lang.String A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if present, will be used as the text of the validator message, replacing any message that comes from the validator.
value false java.lang.Object The current value of this component.
valueChangeListener false javax.faces.el.MethodBinding

MethodExpression representing a value change listener method that will be notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void, or to a public method that takes no arguments with a return type of void. In the latter case, the method has no way of easily knowing what the new value is, but this can be useful in cases where a notification is needed that "this value changed".

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