Tag queue

The <a4j:queue> component manages the JSF queue of Ajax requests. It provides additional options for a finer control of request processing.

@author Nick Belaevski

Tag Information
Component type org.richfaces.Queue
Tag Name a4j:queue
Renderer Type org.richfaces.QueueRenderer
Handler Class None

Name Required Type Description
binding false javax.faces.component.UIComponent The value binding expression used to wire up this component to a component property of a JavaBean class
id false java.lang.String The component identifier for this component. This value must be unique within the closest parent component that is a naming container.
ignoreDupResponses false boolean Attribute allows you to ignore an Ajax response produced by a request if the newest 'similar' request is in the queue already. ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel the request while it is processed on the server, but just allows avoiding unnecessary updates on the client side if the response isn't actual now
name false java.lang.String Specifies the name for the queue, allowing it to be referenced via the name attribute of the attachQueue component
onbeforedomupdate false java.lang.String The client-side script method to be called before DOM is updated
oncomplete false java.lang.String The client-side script method to be called after the request is completed
onerror false java.lang.String The client-side script method to be called when an error has occurred during Ajax communications
onrequestdequeue false java.lang.String The client-side script method to be called after the request is removed from the queue
onrequestqueue false java.lang.String The client-side script method to be called when the request is added to the queue
onsubmit false java.lang.String The client-side script method to be called before an ajax request is submitted
rendered false boolean Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent form submit. The default value for this property is true.
requestDelay false int Attribute defines the time (in ms) the request will be waiting in the queue before it is ready to be sent.

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