Tag progressBar

The <rich:progressBar> component displays a progress bar to indicate the status of a process to the user. It can update either through Ajax or on the client side, and the look and feel can be fully customized.

@author "Andrey Markavtsov"

Tag Information
Component type org.richfaces.ProgressBar
Tag Name rich:progressBar
Renderer Type org.richfaces.ProgressBarRenderer
Handler Class None

Name Required Type Description
binding false javax.faces.component.UIComponent The value binding expression used to wire up this component to a component property of a JavaBean class
data false java.lang.Object Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed on the client by a developer on AJAX request. It's accessible via "" syntax
enabled false boolean

Enables/disables polling.

Default value is "true".

finishClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when before progress finishes. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
id false java.lang.String The component identifier for this component. This value must be unique within the closest parent component that is a naming container.
initialClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when before progress starts. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
interval false int

Interval (in ms) for call poll requests.

Default value 1000 ms (1 sec)

label false java.lang.String Defines a simple label instead of rendering children component
maxValue false java.lang.Object

Max value, after which complete state should be rendered.

Default value is "100".

minValue false java.lang.Object

Min value when initial state should be rendered.

Default value is "0".

mode false org.richfaces.component.SwitchType

The mode for updating the progress bar, can be one of:

The progress bar updates in the same way as the <a4j:poll> component. The <rich:progressBar> component repeatedly polls the server for the current progress value.
The progress bar must be explicitly updated on the client side through the JavaScript API.

Default is "ajax"

onbeforedomupdate false java.lang.String The client-side script method to be called after the ajax response comes back, but before the DOM is updated
onbegin false java.lang.String The client-side script method to be called before an ajax request.
onclick false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is clicked over this element.
oncomplete false java.lang.String The client-side script method to be called after the DOM is updated
ondblclick false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is double clicked over this element.
onfinish false java.lang.String The client-side script method to be called when progress is finished
onmousedown false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is pressed down over this element.
onmousemove false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved within this element.
onmouseout false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved away from this element.
onmouseover false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved onto this element.
onmouseup false java.lang.String Javascript code executed when a pointer button is released over this element.
progressClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied to the progress bar element. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
remainingClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied to the remaining part of the progress bar. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
rendered false boolean Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent form submit. The default value for this property is true.
style false java.lang.String CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
styleClass false java.lang.String Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when this element is rendered. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
value false java.lang.Object Sets the current value of the progress

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