Interface StoreOperation

All Superinterfaces:
KeyedOperation, Operation

public interface StoreOperation
extends KeyedOperation

Operation that represents object storage.

Method Summary
 byte[] getData()
          Get the bytes to be set during this operation.
 int getExpiration()
          Get the expiration value to be set.
 int getFlags()
          Get the flags to be set.
 StoreType getStoreType()
          Get the store type used by this operation.
Methods inherited from interface net.spy.memcached.ops.KeyedOperation
Methods inherited from interface net.spy.memcached.ops.Operation
cancel, getBuffer, getCallback, getException, getHandlingNode, getState, handleRead, hasErrored, initialize, isCancelled, isTimedOut, isTimedOut, isTimedOutUnsent, readFromBuffer, setHandlingNode, timeOut, writeComplete

Method Detail


StoreType getStoreType()
Get the store type used by this operation.


int getFlags()
Get the flags to be set.


int getExpiration()
Get the expiration value to be set.


byte[] getData()
Get the bytes to be set during this operation.

Note, this returns an exact reference to the bytes and the data must not be modified.