Package javax.event

Interface Summary
Event<T> An interface for firing events of a particular type, and registering observers for events of that type.
Observer<T> The contract between the manager and an observer object.

Exception Summary
ObserverException Wraps any checked exceptions which occur during the notification of an observer

Annotation Types Summary
AfterTransactionCompletion Specifies that an observer method is an after transaction completion observer.
AfterTransactionFailure Specifies that an observer method is an after transaction failure observer.
AfterTransactionSuccess Specifies that an observer method is an transaction failure observer.
Asynchronously Specifies that an observer method is to be notified asynchronously with respect to the firing of the event.
BeforeTransactionCompletion Specifies that an observer method is an after transaction completion observer.
Fires Annotates a variable to be injected with an Event object that can be fired and observed by observer methods
IfExists Specifies that an observer method is only called if the current instance of the bean declaring the observer method already exists.
Observes Specifies that a parameter of a method of a bean implementation class is the event parameter of an observer method.

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