Package javax.inject

Interface Summary
Instance<T> An interface for looking up beans of a particular type.

Class Summary
AnnotationLiteral<T extends Annotation> Supports inline instantiation of annotation type instances.
TypeLiteral<T> Supports inline instantiation of objects that represent parameterized types with actual type parameters.

Exception Summary
AmbiguousDependencyException An AmbiguousDependencyException is thrown when within the set of enabled beans with the API type and bind- ing types declared there exists no unique Web Bean with a higher precedence than all other beans in the set.
CreationException Wraps any checked exceptions which occur during creation of an bean
DefinitionException Thrown if the definition of a bean is incorrect
DeploymentException Thrown if an error occurs during bean deployment
DuplicateBindingTypeException This exception is thrown whenever more than one binding type instance of the same type is used with the API.
ExecutionException Thrown if an exception occurs during execution
IllegalProductException Thrown if a producer method returns a null value or a producer field contains a null value, and the scope of the method or field is not @Dependent
NullableDependencyException Thrown if an injection point of primitive type resolves to a bean which may be null
UnproxyableDependencyException Thrown if a bean has normal scope and the type cannot be proxied by the container
UnsatisfiedDependencyException Thrown if no beans can be resolved
UnserializableDependencyException Thrown if a simple bean is dependent scoped and injected into a stateful session bean, into a non-transient field, bean constructor parameter or initializer method parameter of a bean which declares a passivating scope, or into a parameter of a producer method which declares a passivating scope

Annotation Types Summary
BindingType Specifies that an annotation type is a binding type.
Current The default binding type.
DeploymentType Specifies that an annotation type is a deployment type.
Disposes Specifies that a parameter of a method of bean is the disposed parameter of a disposal method.
Initializer Specifies that a method of a bean is a bean initializer method, or that a constructor is the bean constructor.
New The special binding type.
Obtains Annotates a variable to be injected with an Instance object.
Produces Specifies that a method of a bean is a producer method.
Production The default deployment type.
Realizes Specifies that an implementation class directly specializes its superclass, of that a producer method directly specializes the method it overrides.
Specializes Specifies that an implementation class directly specializes its superclass, of that a producer method directly specializes the method it overrides.
Standard Deployment type for standard components defined by the JSR-299 specification.

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