Uses of Class

Packages that use DeploymentException

Uses of DeploymentException in javax.inject

Subclasses of DeploymentException in javax.inject
 class AmbiguousDependencyException
          An AmbiguousDependencyException is thrown when within the set of enabled beans with the API type and bind- ing types declared there exists no unique Web Bean with a higher precedence than all other beans in the set.
 class InconsistentSpecializationException
 class NullableDependencyException
          Thrown if an injection point of primitive type resolves to a bean which may be null
 class UnproxyableDependencyException
          Thrown if a bean has normal scope and the type cannot be proxied by the container
 class UnsatisfiedDependencyException
          Thrown if no beans can be resolved
 class UnserializableDependencyException
          Thrown if a simple bean is dependent scoped and injected into a stateful session bean, into a non-transient field, bean constructor parameter or initializer method parameter of a bean which declares a passivating scope, or into a parameter of a producer method which declares a passivating scope

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