Uses of Interface

Packages that use Annotated

Uses of Annotated in javax.enterprise.inject.spi

Subinterfaces of Annotated in javax.enterprise.inject.spi
 interface AnnotatedCallable<X>
          The metadata for a callable member which can be parsed by the BeanManager.
 interface AnnotatedConstructor<X>
          The metadata for an annotated constructor which can be parsed by the BeanManager.
 interface AnnotatedField<X>
          The metadata for an annotated field which can be parsed by the BeanManager The semantics are similar to Field
 interface AnnotatedMember<X>
          The metadata for an annotated member which can be parsed by the BeanManager.
 interface AnnotatedMethod<X>
          The metadata for an annotated method which can be parsed by the BeanManager The semantics are similar to Method
 interface AnnotatedParameter<X>
          The metadata for an annotated parameter which can be parsed by the BeanManager
 interface AnnotatedType<X>
          The metadata for an annotated type which can be parsed by the BeanManager The semantics are similar to Class.

Methods in javax.enterprise.inject.spi that return Annotated
 Annotated ProcessBean.getAnnotated()
 Annotated InjectionPoint.getAnnotated()

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